October 17th

National Pay Back a Friend Day -

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Every year on October 17th, we celebrate a unique holiday in the United States known as National Pay Back a Friend Day. The main idea behind this day is to encourage people to pay back the money they owe their friends, be it for a shared meal or a borrowed sum during a tough time.

This special day serves as a gentle reminder to all of us to clear any pending dues, thereby preserving the integrity of our friendships and preventing any potential strain in the relationship. Therefore, National Pay Back a Friend Day offers an ideal occasion to square things off and express our appreciation for the financial help our friends have provided us.

History of National Pay Back a Friend Day

National Pay Back a Friend Day is an initiative by Bank of America designed to solve the issue of unresolved debts among friends. Bank of America observed that individuals often downplay their debts, leading to unresolved minor debts and strained relationships.

In response to this common problem, Bank of America declared October 17th as a day to encourage timely debt repayment and promote open discussions about financial matters among friends and family. The aim is to address this awkwardness that tea majority of Americans feel when requesting payment from people they know.

Since its establishment, National Pay Back a Friend Day has been celebrated annually across the globe, in line with Bank of America’s international reach. The initiative has gone beyond just the US and encourages a globally respectful culture that values honesty and frankness regarding individual financial obligations.

National Pay Back a Friend Day Timeline

Paypal was Established

Paypal, one of the first digital wallets which facilitates online money transfers, was established.

Square Inc. Founded

Square Inc., a mobile payment company, was founded by Jack Dorsey and Jim McKelvey.

Venmo Launch

Venmo, a digital wallet that lets you make and share payments with friends, was launched. It was acquired by Braintree in 2012, and then Paypal in 2013.

Apple Pay Launch

Apple launched its own wireless payment system, Apple Pay. It allows for contactless payments at terminals using near-field communication (NFC) technology.

Zelle Launch

Zelle, a digital payments network backed by many of the US's largest banks, was launched. It quickly became a strong competitor against Paypal and Venmo.

Ideas to Celebrate National Pay Back a Friend Day

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Dinner Treat

Consider inviting your buddy over to your place and whilst there, prepare their most cherished meal or order in from the restaurant they can't get enough of.

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Gift Them Something Special

Invest in a perfect gift that they'd been longing for or that resonates with their interests, hobbies - something they'd find delightful.

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Experience Adventure

Arrange a thrilling expedition together. This adventure could include skydiving or a hot air balloon trip, something that’s been on their bucket list.

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Help with a Project

If they are engrossed in a personal project or pastime, volunteer your help. It could be in their home makeover or assembling a model ship - a spare pair of hands is always a blessing.

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Feeding Their Pet

Should your friend be a pet owner, extend an offer to care for their animal companion. This could mean feeding, grooming, or providing playtime, offering your friend a brief respite.

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Writing an Appreciation Note

Pen down your gratitude in an affectionate message or greeting card. Recount your joyous memories together, thank them for standing by your side when needed, and laud their unwavering support.

5 Interesting Facts About National Pay Back a Friend Day


Establishment of the Day

Bank of America, one of the biggest banks in the world, founded National Pay Back a Friend Day.


Event Purpose

Its aim is to stress the significance of settling any outstanding debts with friends, irrelevant of the size of the debt.


Quirky Celebration

Upon settling debts, some individuals might commemorate the event by scheduling a special activity or gathering with their friend.


Global Recognition

Even though an US company initiated this, the day is slowly gaining global traction and acknowledgment.


Interactive Hashtags

Through the usage of hashtags such as #PayBackAFriendDay and #VenmoItBack, individuals partake and share their experiences on social media platforms on this day.

National Pay Back a Friend Day FAQs

Next National Pay Back a Friend Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 October 17th Tuesday
2024 October 17th Thursday
2025 October 17th Friday
2026 October 17th Saturday
2027 October 17th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every October 17th

National Pay Back a Friend Day Word Search

  • Payback
  • Friend
  • Money
  • Debt
  • Gratitude
  • Responsibility