October 13th

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction -

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Annually observed on October 13, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is a worldwide day of recognition spearheaded by the United Nations. This day is committed to fostering awareness of risk and disaster reduction across the globe, placing special focus on improving the resilience of individuals and communities against potential hazards.

The overarching aim of this day is to inspire both citizens and governments to play active roles in crafting societies and nations that are better equipped to handle disasters, emphasizing the importance of disaster reduction strategies to protect lives and maintain livelihoods.

History of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

The inception of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction can be traced back to 1989. Following a noticeable rise in human and economic losses owing to large-scale disasters, the United Nations General Assembly agreed to designate second Wednesday of October the as a day for promoting awareness and understanding about risk reduction.

However, in 2009, a change was implemented. The United Nations General Assembly introduced a resolution that made October 13th the official date of this international day. This move sought to align the observance with the UN’s strategic focus on the significance of disaster reduction.

Each year, a unique theme is selected to highlight a specific focus within disaster reduction. The observance of this day has grown in popularity and importance, with an increasing number of countries worldwide commemorating it.

The ultimate goal of this day is to foster societies that value and incorporate resilience. This includes preparing our communities to endure a variety of hazards like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, fires, and other potential threats. The focus is to lessen vulnerabilities and improve capacities to safeguard our development gains from being wiped out when disasters strike.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction Timeline

Establishment of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was established by the United Nations General Assembly.

Focus On Disaster Mitigation

The 1990s was declared as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Change in Date

The observance of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction was moved to 13th October from the second Wednesday of October.

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction provides Member States with concrete actions to protect development gains from the risk of disaster.

Theme: Disaster Risk Governance

The theme focused on the importance of clear vision, plans, competence, guidance and coordination within all sectors.

Theme: International Cooperation

The theme highlights the importance of international cooperation in disaster risk reduction.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

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Raise Awareness Session

Plan an informative meeting or online forum focusing on disaster preparedness and risk reduction. Topics can include understanding various disasters, their impacts, safety normatives, and basic first aid techniques.

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Disaster Simulation Drills

Carry out mock disaster drills in academic settings, corporate buildings, and residential neighborhoods. Such exercises can enhance individual understanding of managing actual disaster scenarios and boost their abilities to respond effectively.

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Exhibit on Disaster Management

Install a display or exhibition which conveys information about multiple disasters and mitigative methods. You can incorporate real-life experiences, detailed studies, and data on the significance of disaster reduction and climate change measures.

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First Aid and CPR Training

Schedule training programs for First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Mastering basic medical emergency response can dramatically boost survival rates during hazardous events.

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Disaster Reduction Film Screening

Plan a movie event featuring films that set a spotlight on disasters and their management. Post-show discussion can cover the intricacies of the depicted disaster and brainstorm ways to mitigate their impact.

6 Interesting Facts About International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction



Initiated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction seeks to cultivate a worldwide culture of risk reduction and acknowledgment of disasters.



The goal of this day is to foster a global understanding of disaster risk reduction and to reduce damage to infrastructure and basic services during disasters. The theme changes each year to reflect different aspects of disaster reduction.


Global Impact

This occasion is observed globally and encourages everyone to participate in constructing communities and nations that can better withstand disasters.


Sendai Framework

Endorsed by the UN General Assembly after the 2015 Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 marks the first significant agreement in the post-2015 development agenda, with defined targets and priorities for action.



Every year, the focus shifts to address different aspects of disaster reduction. Previous themes have included 'Life's resilience,' 'The power of knowledge,' 'The role of children and young people,' and 'Reducing death rates.'


Global Disasters

Every year, more than 100 million people are affected by natural disasters, resulting in an unimaginable loss of life. The aim of this day is to work towards reducing this figure and mitigating the adverse effects of such events.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction FAQs

Next International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction Dates

Year Date Day
2023 October 13th Friday
2024 October 13th Sunday
2025 October 13th Monday
2026 October 13th Tuesday
2027 October 13th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every October 13th

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction Word Search

  • Prevention
  • Disaster
  • Safety
  • Mitigation
  • Emergency
  • Preparedness