April 11th

World Parkinson’s Day -

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Every year on the 11th of April, World Parkinson’s Day is commemorated globally, aimed at increasing public awareness about Parkinson’s disease - a progressive disorder of the nervous system. This specific day serves as a platform for individuals, medical professionals, and organizations to direct the spotlight on the challenges encountered by those affected by Parkinson’s, emphasizing the pressing need for ongoing research, advancements in treatment techniques, and ultimately, a cure.

World Parkinson’s Day casts a focused light on this crucial health matter, fostering comprehension and compassion while fueling persistent efforts to tackle and alleviate this daunting illness.

History of World Parkinson’s Day

World Parkinson’s Day is commemorated every year on the 11th of April. This important day was initiated by the European Parkinson’s Disease Association (now known as Parkinson’s Europe) in 1997. The primary goal of this observance is to spread knowledge about Parkinson’s disease and to address the struggles the patients go through.

Parkinson’s disease is a deteriorating condition that predominantly affects a person’s ability to control their movements. It’s known for symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, slow movements, and walking difficulties. The disease was named after Dr. James Parkinson, a physician from London, who provided the first detailed description of it in his work, “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy,” published in 1817.

Dr. Parkinson’s birthday, April 11, was specifically chosen as the date of World Parkinson’s Day. Worldwide, numerous organizations and individuals organize events and campaigns on this day to both educate and remind people about Parkinson’s disease, and also raise funds to accelerate the search for a cure.

For example, Parkinson’s Foundation invites people to participate in various activities that give them a deeper understanding of this multifaceted disease. Their global efforts aim to make life better for those suffering from Parkinson’s, promote ground-breaking research, and elevate the voices of those affected within their community.

World Parkinson’s Day Timeline

First Identified Parkinson's Disease

Dr. James Parkinson first identified Parkinson's disease in his work, 'An Essay on the Shaking Palsy.'

Term Parkinson's Disease Coined

William Sanders coined the term 'Parkinson's disease.'

Introduction of Levodopa

Levodopa, a drug still widely used today, was first introduced to treat Parkinson's disease by Dr. Oleh Hornykiewicz.

Discovery of first Parkinson's Gene

Scientists discovered the first Parkinson's disease gene (SNCA) providing further evidence that genetics play a major role in the disorder.

Parkinson's Disease and Genetics

The first gene linked to familial Parkinson's disease was discovered, marking a milestone in PD research.

Introduction of World Parkinson’s Day

World Parkinson’s Day is introduced on 11th of April to increase public awareness of this disease.

Ideas to Celebrate World Parkinson’s Day

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Awareness Walk or Run

Organize a fun run or walk event in your local park or gym that aims to raise awareness for Parkinson's disease. Participants could donate to Parkinson's research or charities that support people living with the condition.

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Education Seminar

Hold a seminar where experts can teach about Parkinson's disease, its symptoms, prevention and cure. This will help in spreading knowledge about this disease and how to handle it effectively.

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Parkinson's Pet Walk

Arrange a pet walk event. This not only promotes exercise, which is beneficial for people living with Parkinson’s, but can also serve as a fundraiser for Parkinson's research.

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Parkinson's Film Screening

Screen a film or a documentary about Parkinson's disease. This would provide an impactful way for people to gain a better understanding of the illness and how it affects those living with it.

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Charity Concert

Organize a local concert with bands or artists performing to raise funds for Parkinson’s research. This will allow the community to enjoy local talent while also supporting a great cause.

8 Interesting Facts About Parkinson's disease


Coffee and Avoidance

Studies have shown a potential relationship between drinking caffeine and a lower likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease. The exact reason isn't clear, but it could be related to the way caffeine acts on dopamine neurons.


Historical Perspective

Parkinson’s disease was named after British physician James Parkinson, who first described the disorder in 'An Essay on the Shaking Palsy' in 1817.


Famous Figures with Parkinson's

A number of well-known public figures, including boxing champion Muhammad Ali and actor Michael J. Fox, have raised awareness about Parkinson’s disease through their own diagnosis.


Unique Smell

Some research suggests people with Parkinson's disease may have a distinct scent which is not normally detectable by the human nose, but dogs have been trained to identify it.


Gender Differences

Parkinson's disease appears to be more common in men than in women. The reasons behind this disparity are still a topic of research.


Not Just Movement

Though widely recognized for its motor symptoms, Parkinson’s disease can also cause a range of non-motor symptoms, including cognitive challenges, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, and loss of smell.


Early Detection Challenges

There is currently no definitive diagnostic test for Parkinson’s disease, which can make early detection difficult. Diagnosis is based largely on medical history and neurological examination.


Second Most Common Neurodegenerative Disease

Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, behind Alzheimer’s disease.

World Parkinson’s Day FAQs

Next World Parkinson’s Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 April 11th Tuesday
2024 April 11th Thursday
2025 April 11th Friday
2026 April 11th Saturday
2027 April 11th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every April 11th

World Parkinson’s Day Word Search

  • Awareness
  • Neurology
  • Parkinsons
  • Tremors
  • Movement
  • Therapy