April 28th

World Day for Safety and Health at Work -

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international observance that takes place annually on the 28th of April. This event, established by the International Labour Organization, advocates for the provision of safe and healthy working conditions. The day is a compelling call to action that emphasizes the need for globally coordinated efforts to provide workplaces that eliminate the risk of accidents and ensure the well-being of all workers.

The observance is a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering a safe working environment where the risk of harm, injury, or illness is substantially minimized.

History of World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The notion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, celebrated each year on the 28th of April, was brought to life by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The principal objective of this special day is to spread awareness about the significance of safe and healthy working environments and to alert people about potential dangers in their workplaces.

The idea to mark this day materialized in 2003 when the ILO declared April 28th as a day dedicated to advocating for suitable, wholesome, and dignified work. The choice for this particular date wasn’t arbitrary; it was designed to coincide with Workers’ Memorial Day, a day devoted to remembering and advocating for workers who lost their lives, became impaired, or got injured because of their job.

Since its inception, each World Day for Safety and Health at Work has been centered around specific themes, aiming to spotlight different facets of workplace safety and health. Past themes have ranged from understanding the harmful effects of workplace stress, the consequences of hazardous substances on worker health, and underlining the urgent need to nurture a prevention-focused culture in occupational safety and health globally.

Today, World Day for Safety and Health at Work successfully unites governments, employers, workers, and society to promote workplace safety and health measures, ensuring a safer and healthier professional environment for all globally.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work Timeline

Passage of Factory Act

In the UK, the Factory Act was passed to improve conditions for children working in factories - an early form of occupational safety law.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

The US passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, mandating safety and health regulations in workplaces.

Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA was created in the US to enforce workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

Right to Know Law

US workers gain the 'right to know' about hazardous chemicals they are exposed to at work, leading to the requirement for Material Safety Data Sheets.

First observance of World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The International Labour Organization (ILO) started the observance to promote safe, healthy and decent work around the globe.

Global Plan of Action on Workers' Health

Put in place by WHO, the plan aims to protect and promote health in the workplace around the world.

Ideas to Celebrate World Day for Safety and Health at Work

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Safety and Health Poster Making

Organize a competition within the office, challenging each department to create a poster supporting health and safety best practices in the workplace. This fosters team building while also promoting awareness and adherence to health and safety measures.

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Online Safety Seminar

Coordinate an online seminar that can serve as a refresher course on workplace safety and health. Invite a professional from the field who can discuss current topics relevant to your workplace.

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First Aid Training Workshop

Invite a qualified trainer to teach your team basic first aid techniques. This kind of training can be a life-saving resource, equipping your team to respond to emergency situations effectively.

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Health Check-ups

Arrange for medical professionals to conduct basic health check-ups on site. Regular medical check-ups are a good precautionary measure to maintain the overall health of employees.

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Workstation Ergonomics Seminar

Host a seminar on workstation ergonomics, teaching employees how to arrange their work areas to reduce strain and prevent injuries. Proper workplace ergonomics can improve both comfort and productivity.

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Establish a Safety Committee

Form a committee dedicated to maintaining and improving the safety and health measures in your workplace. This team can conduct regular inspections, plan training or workshops, and foster an environment where safety is paramount.

8 Interesting Facts About Safety and Health at Work


New Employees' Vulnerability

New employees are at higher risk of workplace injuries. They are three times more likely to suffer an injury during their first month at work than old employees.


Safety training boosts productivity

A comprehensive workplace safety program can increase productivity by up to 20%. Employees work more effectively when they know they're protected.


Can most accidents be avoided?

Approximately 85% of all workplace accidents are preventable with comprehensive safety training and policy.


Work safety and mental health

Mental wellbeing is equally important as physical health in the workplace. Studies show that long working hours can lead to major depressive episodes.


Sleep and safety at work

Sleep deprivation increases the risk for workplace accidents. People who have sleep issues have a 62% higher risk of work-related injuries.


Health and safety legislation

Since the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed in 1970 in the United States, workplace deaths have decreased by more than 60%.


Role of cleanliness in health and safety

Maintaining a clean workplace can prevent variations of the flu from spreading, resulting in healthier employees and less sick leaves.


Breaks and productivity

Taking short breaks can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and also enhance productivity.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work FAQs

Next World Day for Safety and Health at Work Dates

Year Date Day
2023 April 28th Friday
2024 April 28th Sunday
2025 April 28th Monday
2026 April 28th Tuesday
2027 April 28th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every April 28th

World Day for Safety and Health at Work Word Search

  • Safety
  • Health
  • Prevention
  • Hazard
  • Workplace
  • Training