June 12th

World Day Against Child Labour -

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World Day Against Child Labour, observed on June 12 every year, is a global observance established by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2002. This pioneering day works to cast a spotlight on the widespread occurrence of child labour across the globe and advocates for stronger laws and effective actions to terminate it.

The day draws attention to the unfortunate persistence of child labour around the world and promotes awareness of the detrimental physical and psychological impacts that child labour imposes on vulnerable young individuals. On this day, governments, laborers, and employers from all corners of the globe come together to increase awareness and mobilize efforts to eliminate child labour.

History of World Day Against Child Labour

Celebrated annually on the 12th of June, the World Day Against Child Labour is an initiative led by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency. This initiative began in 2002 with the aim of honing global attention on the problem of child labour and the measures necessary to eradicate it.

Founded in 1919, the ILO has been tackling the issue of child labour since its conception. However, it wasn't until early in the new millennium that the issue received significant international focus, largely thanks to the tireless efforts of various activists and charitable organizations. In view of the necessity for a consolidated global effort, the first World Day Against Child Labour was launched by the ILO in 2002.

This global event collectively unites governments, employers and employees organizations, as well as civil society and millions of citizens around the world every year. This is done to shed light on the predicament of young labourers and the necessary actions for their aid.

ILO also established a programme called the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) in 1992. This programme, conceived to instigate large-scale and effective action against child labour, is operational in over 88 countries, making it one of the most preeminent initiatives germinated from the World Day Against Child Labour.

Every year, the World Day Against Child Labour focuses on different relevant themes in the child labour discourse, such as the correlation between education and child labour, the criticality of providing adults with decent work to end child labour, the function of social protection and the consequences of conflicts and disasters.

The 2020 World Day Against Child Labour centred on the effects of global crises on child labour. In times of crises, job loss, school closures and general instability significantly amplify the risk of child labour.

Year after year, this day seeks to intensify global efforts to eliminate child labour, whilst simultaneously acknowledging the progress already made.

Although the progress made is commendable, child labour remains a formidable challenge even today, with more than 152 million children engaged in child labour around the world. However, the ILO along with their partner organizations remains steadfast in their commitment to terminate child labour by 2025 in coherence with the Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations Member States.

World Day Against Child Labour Timeline

Establishment of International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched this programme to instigate large-scale and effective action against child labour.

Establishment of World Day Against Child Labour

The ILO launched the World Day Against Child Labour.

Setting the Deadline for Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labour

ILO set 2016 as the deadline for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour.

Introduction of Sustainable Development Goals

The international community adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG target 8.7 set a new timeline to end child labour in all its forms by 2025.

In Focus: In Conflicts and Disasters, Protect Children from Child Labour

The focus was on the impact of conflicts and disasters on child labour.

In Focus: Children shouldn't work in fields, but on dreams!

Themed 'Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams!', the World Day Against Child Labour celebrated 100 years of ILO.

Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

In light of significant increases in child labour for the first time in two decades, the United Nations declared 2021 as the Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.

Ideas to Celebrate World Day Against Child Labour

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Raise Awareness Through an Online Rally

Plan a virtual meeting or seminar featuring keynote speakers who specialize in the issue of child labour. Spread information, anecdotes and initiatives fighting child labour. Encourage attendees to join the conversation and offer solutions.

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Film Screening

Arrange a screening of movies and documentaries that highlight the issue of child labour. Follow it up with a discussion to delve deeper into the problems portrayed and potential solutions.

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Book Club Session

Host a book club meet where attendees can read and discuss literature focusing on child labour. It would help them comprehend the seriousness of the issue and motivate them to act.

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Educational Workshop

Schedule workshops where participants can learn about child labour laws, the warning signs and what action they can take in suspected cases.

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Social Media Campaign

Develop a digital awareness campaign on social media platforms. Post engaging content like infographics, videos, and impactful messages related to child labour and how one can contribute. Request followers to disseminate the content, thereby reaching a broader audience.

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Petition Signature Campaign

Initiate a campaign to collect signatures for a petition against child labour. This could be directed towards stricter legal frameworks or enforcement of existing child labour laws and regulations.

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Candlelight Vigil

Organize a touching candlelight vigil as a solemn tribute to the numerous child labour victims who lost their precious childhood to extreme exploitative labour.

7 Interesting Facts About World Day Against Child Labour


Global Observance

Annually, on the 12th day of June, the World Day Against Child Labour is recognized across the globe. The day signifies a global drive to generate awareness as well as take strict action against child labour.


The ILO Convention

Coincidentally, the ILO's Convention No. 182 which mandates strict prohibition of the worst forms of child labour was adopted by majority of the countries around the world on this same day, 12th June, in 1999.


Harsh Reality

Even with considerable progress over decades, a shocking number of children worldwide, about 152 million according to ILO, are still engaged in what clearly amounts to child labour.


Themed Events

Each year, World Day Against Child Labour centers around a unique theme that drives attention to a specific area of child labour. For example, in 2021, the theme selected was 'Act now: End Child Labour'.


Worldwide Participation

World Day Against Child Labour is marked by a slew of diverse activities organized by an array of participants - governmental bodies, international organizations, civil society groups, and even individuals - including but not limited to rallies, seminars, and inspirational speeches.


Goals and Targets

In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, one key target set is the complete elimination of child labour by the year 2025.


Connection with Universal Education

World Day Against Child Labour serves as a reminder that universal, quality education is a strong deterrent against child labour, and is the right of all children worldwide.

World Day Against Child Labour FAQs

Next World Day Against Child Labour Dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 12th Monday
2024 June 12th Wednesday
2025 June 12th Thursday
2026 June 12th Friday
2027 June 12th Saturday
What is the pattern? Every June 12th

World Day Against Child Labour Puzzle

  • Awareness
  • Education
  • Protection
  • Children
  • Support