June 27th

National PTSD Awareness Day -

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Every year on June 27th, we commemorate National PTSD Awareness Day. It’s a significant date dedicated to bringing the spotlight on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This mental affliction can touch the lives of those who’ve gone through traumatic experiences such as violent conflicts, sexual violations, catastrophic natural events, or severe accidents.

The day underlines the importance of spreading knowledge about the signs, effects, and treatment plans of PTSD, with the overall aim of dispelling the misconceptions often linked with this mental health condition.

History of National PTSD Awareness Day

National PTSD Awareness Day, observed annually on June 27, aims to spread awareness about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), particularly among war veterans. Its history originates in the US Congress where it was recognized for the first time in 2010, following a proposal by former North Dakota senator, Kent Conrad. The specific date was chosen in memory of North Dakota National Guard staff sergeant Joe Biel, who committed suicide after serving two tours in Iraq. Coincidentally, Biel’s birthday fell on June 27.

Four years later, in 2014, the entire month of June was declared as PTSD Awareness Month by the National Center for PTSD, a part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The month-long observation of PTSD gained momentum over the years, with growing participation from various groups and individuals. The goal was to bring attention to the symptoms, effects, and possible treatments of PTSD, and advocate for compassion and understanding for those who have experienced trauma.

In our current times, National PTSD Awareness Day remains a crucial reminder of the ongoing struggle many veterans and others face following traumatic incidents. Through this day, there is a strong emphasis on reaching out to those living with PTSD and helping them secure the supportive treatments and resources they need for their mental health.

National PTSD Awareness Day Timeline

Samuel Pepys’ Diary

Samuel Pepys documented symptoms resembling PTSD in his surviving diary entries following the Great Fire of London.

PTSD in American Civil War Veterans

Doctors noted a 'Soldier's Heart', sometimes known as 'Da Costa Syndrome', which many now believe was indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder.

'Shell Shock' Post World War I

The term 'shell shock' was coined following World War I, as soldiers exhibited PTSD symptoms caused by the trauma of warfare.

PTSD Officially Recognized

The American Psychiatric Association added PTSD to the third edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III).

First National PTSD Awareness Day

National PTSD Awareness Day was first observed in 2008, to raise public awareness about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Official Recognition by Congress

The United States Congress officially recognized June 27th as National PTSD Awareness Day.

Implementation of Programs

Special programs and events are held to educate the public about PTSD and provide information on resources for PTSD sufferers.

Ideas to Celebrate National PTSD Awareness Day

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Hold an Awareness Seminar

Organize a seminar inviting psychologists, PTSD survivors, and community members. This platform will immensely contribute to spreading knowledge about the disorder and its effects.

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Create and Share Educational Content

Take advantage of social media platforms to create and share educational content about PTSD. This can include facts, symptoms, coping strategies, and professional help.

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Host a PTSD Awareness Classroom Session

Involve schools in the campaign by requesting school administrators to dedicate a portion of their classroom sessions to discuss PTSD. You can offer to provide materials or even guest speakers.

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Organize a Support Group Meeting

Arrange for PTSD support group meetings where people suffering from PTSD, as well as their families and friends, can share their experiences and support each other.

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Promote Local Resources

Use the day to highlight the available resources in your area for PTSD care and management. This could be therapy centers, support groups, or hotlines.

8 Interesting Facts About PTSD


Not Necessarily Immediate

Symptoms of PTSD can start right after a terrifying event, but they may not appear until months or years later. They also may come and go over many years.


More Common Than You Might Think

PTSD affects approximately 3.5 percent of U.S. adults every year, according to the American Psychiatric Association. That's more than 8 million adults during a given year.


Longevity Risk

If PTSD is left untreated, it can go on indefinitely. Some people have symptoms for many years or even decades before getting help.


Pets Can Help

Therapy or emotional support animals, often dogs, have been used with great success to help those suffering from PTSD by reducing anxiety and providing comforting companionship.


PTSD and the Brain

PTSD can change the brain, specifically the regions responsible for memory and emotions. Studies suggest that key structures of a PTSD sufferer's brain appear different from those not afflicted.


Virtual Reality and PTSD

Virtual Reality Exposure therapy is being used as a treatment method for PTSD. It allows patients to confront trauma in a safe and controlled environment.


World War I Connection

The recognition of PTSD began in relation to war veterans. In World War I, it was referred to as 'shell shock,' reflecting an early belief that blasts caused the condition.


Smell and PTSD

Olfactory triggers can be powerful in PTSD, as smell bypasses parts of the brain that other sensory information does not. This can lead to intense flashbacks triggered by certain scents.

National PTSD Awareness Day FAQs

Next National PTSD Awareness Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 27th Tuesday
2024 June 27th Thursday
2025 June 27th Friday
2026 June 27th Saturday
2027 June 27th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every June 27th

National PTSD Awareness Day Word Search

  • Recovery
  • Treatment
  • Therapy
  • Veterans
  • Support
  • Awareness