June 10th

National Herbs and Spices Day -

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Join us in honoring the enchanting world of herbs and spices on National Herbs and Spices Day. Each year, on June 10th, we pay tribute to the variety, flavors, and medicinal properties that these fascinating botanicals provide. This day gives us an opportunity to explore their remarkable culinary and therapeutic applications across different cultures.

This day also invites us to appreciate their crucial role in flavoring our food, promoting our health, and preserving our meals. Experience the magic of herbs and spices by introducing them to your day’s cooking and savor their delightful impact.

History of National Herbs and Spices Day

National Herbs and Spices Day, celebrated annually every June 10th, is devoted to acknowledging and appreciating the wide variety of herbs and spices from all corners of the globe and emphasizing their numerous uses in both cooking and medicinal purposes.

Looking back throughout human history, herbs and spices have always held a crucial role. For example, as far back as 3500 BC, Ancient Egyptians were known to utilize spices during their mummification practices. Furthermore, the spice trade, which blossomed around 2000 BC, had a significant impact on global economy and thereby influenced the strategies for exploration and colonization.

Equally important, herbs have been utilized extensively for their healing properties. Ancient Sumerian texts make mention of medicinal applications for plants like laurel, caraway, and thyme. The practice of ancient Chinese medicine also incorporated many healing herbs.

National Herbs and Spices Day was established to highlight this extensive history and inspire individuals to discover the wide-ranging uses of herbs and spices in their daily routine. The day serves as an educational platform to clarify the differences between herbs and spices while promoting their beneficial attributes. Moreover, it encourages culinary enthusiasts and home cooks to experiment with a range of herbs and spices to enhance the flavors in their dishes.

Nowadays, various eateries and beverage outlets, along with home cooks and food lovers, commemorate this day by creating special recipes with a multitude of herbs and spices. Often, the celebration extends online as well, most notably on social media platforms, where users usually share content related to herbs and spices.

National Herbs and Spices Day Timeline

Early Use of Spices in Cuisine

Archaeological evidence from various parts of the world showing the early use of spices in cuisine.

Written Records of Herbs and Spices

The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical scroll, records the usage of spices and herbs such as anise, mustard, and saffron in medical treatments.

Trade of Herbs and Spices

The beginning of significant international trade in herbs and spices. This includes the Spice trade between the Arab world and the Indian subcontinent.

Roman Use of Herbs and Spices

During the Roman empire herbs and spices such as coriander, cumin and parsley became common in European cuisine.

Exclusive Trading Rights

Queen Elizabeth I of England granted monopoly for trade of herbs and spices to the Worshipful Company of Grocers.

Columbus' Voyage

Christopher Columbus' voyage to the New World led to the discovery of new spices, such as chili pepper, vanilla, and allspice.

Introduction of Spices to America

Herbs and spices brought to the New World by European colonizers. This significantly impacted American cuisine.

National Herbs and Spices Day

This annual celebration encourages the use of herbs and spices in cooking to increase flavor without adding calories.

Ideas to Celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day

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Explore the Spice Market

Visit a local international market or a spice shop in your town. Discover new spices and herbs, familiarize with their aroma and taste, and learn about their origins and uses.

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Cook with a New Spice

Try a new recipe or incorporate a new herb or spice into your meals. You might discover a new favorite dish!

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Make Homemade Spice Blends

Spend the day combining herbs and spices to create your own unique seasoning mix. You can research different blends that are popular in certain cuisines, such as your own.

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Grow Your Own Herbs

Kick start your herb garden, no matter how small your space. Growing herbs from seeds could be an excellent way to help you better appreciate the time and care that goes into growing herbs and spices.

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Herbal Tea Party

Host a tea party featuring different kinds of herbal teas. Pair various teas with complementing light snacks, or even create a tasting wheel for everyone to enjoy.

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Make Aromatic Herbal Sachets

Craft herbal sachets using your favorite herbs and spices. These can be used around the house to keep your rooms, drawers or cupboards smelling fresh and great.

8 Interesting Facts About Herbs and Spices


The Pricy Saffron

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It's derived from the flower of Crocus sativus and it takes a staggering 75,000 blossoms or 225,000 hand-picked stigmas to make a single pound which can cost up to $5,000.


The Healing Thyme

In ancient times, thyme was used for its medicinal properties. It was once believed to bring courage to the bearer so knights would often wear it in their armor.


Ginseng: The Root of Immortality

Ginseng is said to have immense health benefits and was highly sought after by ancient Chinese emperors who believed consuming it could grant them eternal life.


Basil: The Royal Herb

The name 'basil' is derived from the Greek word 'basileus', which means 'king', implying the royal or exalted status of the herb.


The Versatile Cilantro

Cilantro, also known as coriander, is one of the few herbs that provide a dual purpose--its leaves and seeds are used in a variety of dishes.


Vanilla Vines

Vanilla flavoring comes from the pod of an orchid, Vanilla planifolia, which is native to Mexico. The plants are hand-pollinated and require up to five years to mature before they produce beans.


Turmeric: The Golden Spice

Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It's been used for over 4,500 years and in modern medicine, it's considered as a potent health supplement.


Mint: The Ancient Currency

In Ancient Greece, mint leaves were used as a form of currency, and it has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties.

National Herbs and Spices Day FAQs

Next National Herbs and Spices Day Dates

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What is the pattern? Every June 10th

National Herbs and Spices Day Word Search

  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Cilantro
  • Mint