June 30th

International Day of Parliamentarism -

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The 30th of June each year is recognized globally as the International Day of Parliamentarism. This observance, set in place by the United Nations, is a time to acknowledge the significant role that parliaments play in our society to ensure democratic practices and protect human rights.

This is a day that underlines the importance of robust, well-functioning parliamentary institutions for effective governance and to promote inclusivity and representation in democratic societies.

History of International Day of Parliamentarism

Parliamentarism is given an international focus and celebration each year on June 30, known as the International Day of Parliamentarism. The aim is to use the day as a platform to highlight how parliamentary systems of government improve daily life and to bring awareness to the general public about these systems. It is also used to underline the challenges faced by parliaments worldwide.

The United Nations General Assembly made a resolution in 2018 to mark this day every year. June 30 was picked as it coincides with the establishment of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1889. The IPU, which is a global organisation of parliaments, has made important contributions to spreading democratic values around the world. Consequently, it is fitting that this day was chosen to observe the International Day of Parliamentarism.

The creation of the International Day of Parliamentarism had significant input from the IPU, which has also played a key role in creating other global norms and institutions, including the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Additionally, the IPU champions human rights, gender equality in government, and the increased involvement of young people in politics.

The International Day of Parliamentarism presents an opportunity to deal with a variety of issues affecting governments worldwide. The IPU and various national parliaments use this day to engage directly with the public, raising awareness and understanding about specific topics.

International Day of Parliamentarism Timeline

Magna Carta

King John of England signed the Magna Carta, which limited the power of the monarchy and laid the foundation for the parliamentary system of governance.

First Parliament of England

Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, summons the first parliament in England, representing different segments of society.

First Representative Assembly

First representative assembly in America was held in Jamestown, Virginia.

Habeas Corpus Act

This act strengthened the system of parliamentary democracy in England by ensuring that individuals could not be held without trial.

Canadian Confederation

The Canadian Confederation was established, giving birth to a federal parliamentary democracy in Canada.

Australian Federation

The colonies of Australia federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia, a federal parliamentary democracy.

Indian Independence

India gained independence from Britain and established itself as a federal parliamentary democratic republic.

International Day of Parliamentarism

The first International Day of Parliamentarism was celebrated, promoting the values of Parliamentarism.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day of Parliamentarism

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Parliamentary Outreach Event

Organize an educational event inside your local community center, school, or library. Invite political science experts or local representatives to discuss the role and functions of parliament. Encourage open discussions and Q&A sessions.

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Documentary Showcasing

Showcase documentaries highlighting the history and development of parliamentarism worldwide. This will enlighten the audience about different parliamentary systems globally and how they contribute to democracy.

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Virtual Tour of Parliament

In collaboration with your local or national parliament, organize a virtual tour that explains the legislative process, the different chambers, and who the key players are.

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Parliamentary Debate Competition

Host a parliamentary-style debate competition. This can be a fun and educational way to raise awareness and understanding of how parliamentary debates and sessions operate.

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Parliamentary Role Play

Organize a role play session, possibly within a school setting, where students act out the roles of parliamentary members. This can be a creative way to educate youth about how parliament works.

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Public Speeches

Invite respected parliament members to deliver public speeches. Through this, listeners can gain first-hand insights into the importance and relevance of parliaments in shaping our societies.

6 Interesting Facts About Parliamentarism


Oldest Parliament in the world

Iceland holds the record for having the oldest still acting parliament in the world known as the Althingi, established in AD 930.


The Symbol of the Mace

In parliamentary systems worldwide, a ceremonial mace is often used as a symbol of the authority of the legislature. In case of the UK, if the mace is missing from the chamber, the House of Commons can't meet or pass laws.


Unparliamentary Language

In most parliamentary assemblies, there are rules against the usage of 'unparliamentary language'. This includes personal attacks, swearing, sexism, and racism. If someone breaks the rule, they can be thrown out of the chamber.


The Meaning of 'Parliament'

The word 'parliament' comes from the French 'parler', which means 'to talk'.


Size Differences

The sizes of parliaments can vary greatly across the world. The Chinese National People's Congress is the largest with 2987 members, while the smallest is Micronesia's Congress with just 14.


Symbolic Destruction in Japan

In Japan, a politician can register strong protest by physically destroying a bill in the diet, or parliamentary chamber.

International Day of Parliamentarism FAQs

Next International Day of Parliamentarism Dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 30th Friday
2024 June 30th Sunday
2025 June 30th Monday
2026 June 30th Tuesday
2027 June 30th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every June 30th

International Day of Parliamentarism Word Search

  • Democracy
  • Governance
  • Legislation
  • Parliament
  • Politics
  • Elections