August 10th

International Biodiesel Day -

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International Biodiesel Day, recognized annually on August 10th, is a global observance dedicated to promoting and exploring the use of biodiesel, an environmentally-friendly and renewable source of energy. The date commemorates the day when Rudolf Diesel ran an engine on peanut oil in 1893, marking the invention and acknowledgement of biofuels.

The aim of this observance is to generate awareness about non-fossil fuels and encourage the development and use of biodiesel worldwide, contributing to the conservation of our environment.

History of International Biodiesel Day

The advent of biodiesel can be traced back to Sir Rudolf Diesel, a German inventor, and maverick mechanical engineer. It was on the 10th of August, 1893, that Sir Diesel first used peanut oil to power an engine. This was a landmark demonstration of the potential of vegetable oil as a source of fuel, paving the way for the development of biodiesel.

While Sir Diesel’s experiments laid the preliminary foundation in the 19th century, biodiesel emerged in the spotlight of the energy sector primarily during the late 20th century. This was a period marked by escalating environmental concerns and the search for sustainable renewable energy alternatives. The energy crisis of the 1970s and mounting evidence of global warming expedited by fossil fuels use further augmented the relevance of biodiesel.

In order to celebrate the ingenious contributions of Sir Rudolf Diesel and to underline the significant role of biodiesel as a renewable and eco-friendly fuel source, the 10th of August is globally recognized as International Biodiesel Day.

The goal of International Biodiesel Day is to raise public awareness regarding the use of biodiesel as an alternative to fossil fuels. It is an occasion to highlight the benefits of biodiesel - a high energy, clean-burning fuel, and to stress how it can be a sustainable answer to our energy requirements, thereby helping to reduce reliance on harmful fossil fuels. Around the world, this day is marked by various events and educational initiatives aimed at promoting the widespread adoption of biodiesel.

International Biodiesel Day Timeline

Rudolf Diesel's Invention

Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine and considered utilizing a variety of fuels including vegetable oils.

Glycerin Biproduct Problem

Scientists discovered the problem of glycerin byproduct when using vegetable oil in standard diesel engines.

First Biodiesel Production

The first biodiesel was produced during the fuel crisis in the United States and Europe in the 1970s.

Biodiesel Industry Growth

The biodiesel industry began to grow significantly in Germany during the 1990s.

EU Biodiesel Standard

The European Union established the EN 14214 standard which outlines the requirements of biodiesel fuel.

Global Biodiesel Production

Global biodiesel production reached 22.5 billion liters.

International Biodiesel Day

It commemorates the day in 1893 when Rudolf Diesel ran a single cylinder engine with peanut oil.

Ideas to Celebrate International Biodiesel Day

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Eco-Friendly Vehicle Parade

Organize a parade of vehicles powered by biodiesel. Show the community the possibilities and benefits of choosing eco-friendly fuel alternatives. Raise awareness and advocate for the use of biodiesel.

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Biodiesel Workshop

Invite experts to conduct workshops on the benefits, manufacturing process, and use of biodiesel. This can help educate the community about the importance of preferring biofuels over traditional fossil fuels.

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Tree Planting Activity

Biodiesel is made from plant oils, fats or greases. Celebrate the day by planting trees and plants that can potentially contribute to biodiesel production in the future.

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Biodiesel Documentary Screening

Hold a documentary screening that tells the story of biodiesel, from its creation to its usage. Follow it up with a discussion and Q&A session.

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Public Display of Biodiesel Vehicles

Display biodiesel vehicles in public areas to raise curious questions and increase awareness about alternative energy sources. Encourage school or office-goers to visit and learn.

8 Interesting Facts About Biodiesel


Biofriendly Fuel

Biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to petroleum diesel, it releases 41% less carbon dioxide.


Recyclable Resource

Biodiesel's primary components can be obtained from recycled cooking oil, grease, or any fat of animal or plant.


Algae as a Biofuel

Aquatic organisms like algae and seaweed have potential to produce biodiesel due to their oil content. It's being researched as a sustainable biofuel option.


Engine Friendly

Biodiesel acts as a solvent, which helps to clean the engine. It might increase the life of vehicles' engines compared to those using traditional diesel.


Energy Density of Biodiesel

Biodiesel has a high energy density. About 1kg of biodiesel releases around 37MJ, very close to diesel's 45.6MJ.


Non-toxic Fuel

Biodiesel is non-toxic, renewable, and biodegradable. It's safe to handle, store, and transport.


Early Diesel Engines

The original diesel engines were actually designed to run on peanut oil, proving that the idea of bio or vegetable oil as a fuel source is not new.


Biodiesel in Extreme Temperatures

In very cold temperatures, biodiesel can become solid and cause issues in engines. So, various additives are used to prevent this.

International Biodiesel Day FAQs

Next International Biodiesel Day Dates

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2025 August 10th Sunday
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International Biodiesel Day Word Search

  • Biodiesel
  • Biofuel
  • Renewable
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Livestock