June 30th

International Asteroid Day -

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Each year, on June 30th, we celebrate International Asteroid Day. This world-wide event was designed to increase public awareness of asteroids, their role within our solar system, and the importance of safeguarding our planet from potential asteroid strikes.

This day serves as an opportunity to enlighten people and decision-makers about the dangers these heavenly bodies can present to our world, while also reviewing the latest progress in space science and technology.

History of International Asteroid Day

International Asteroid Day is celebrated every year on the 30th of June. Its main purpose is to increase worldwide recognition about the potential dangers asteroids may pose to our planet and the necessity of protection against them.

The inception of this day took place in 2014, the result of the collaborative efforts of Grigorij Richters, a film director, and Danica Remy of the B612 Foundation, alongside Dr. Brian May, the guitarist for Queen and an accomplished astrophysicist, and Rusty Schweickart, a former astronaut. The day, 30th June, was specifically selected to honor the memory of the Tunguska event. This event, which occurred on the same day in 1908 over Siberia in Russia, represents the most harmful asteroid-related incident on record.

Two years later, in 2016, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) officially endorsed International Asteroid Day, acting upon a proposal by the Association of Space Explorers. This endorsement underlines the importance of international collaboration in preparedness and response to asteroid threats.

The event has a particular focus on enlightening the public regarding the scientific methods used to classify and track near-Earth asteroids and the strategies available to redirect them if they pose a threat to our planet. Numerous events are hosted worldwide on this day to discuss varied aspects related to asteroids and instill enthusiasm about the scientific and practical implications of dealing with asteroids.

As it stands today, the precise message of the International Asteroid Day is that the recent increase in the identification of near-Earth objects prompts a demand for combined, international efforts to speed up the detection and tracking process as well as to devise countermeasures to deflect incoming threats.

International Asteroid Day Timeline

Tunguska Event

The largest asteroid impact on Earth in recent history; it occurred in Siberia, spurring more research into asteroid monitoring.

Alvarez Hypothesis

Luis Alvarez proposed a controversial theory that an asteroid caused the extinction of dinosaurs. It garnered attention toward the potential threat of asteroids.

Near-Earth Object Observations Program

NASA established this program to detect, track, and characterize potentially hazardous asteroids and comets passing near Earth.

Chelyabinsk Meteor

An asteroid around 20 meters in diameter explodes over Chelyabinsk, Russia, bringing global attention to the possible threats from smaller meteoroids.

Founding of Asteroid Day

Dr. Brian May, an astrophysicist and rock guitarist, co-founded Asteroid Day to promote awareness and provide public education about asteroids.

United Nations Recognition

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs officially recognized Asteroid Day, declaring it be observed globally on June 30 every year.

Ideas to Celebrate International Asteroid Day

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Stargazing Party

Host a stargazing party with friends and family. Set up telescopes to watch the sky for meteors and asteroids. Share information and facts about asteroids as you marvel at the wonders of the universe.

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Space-Themed Movie Night

Organise a movie night featuring films like Asteroid (1997) or Armageddon (1998). Before starting the movie, you could provide a brief overview about asteroids and their impact on Earth.

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Astronomy Workshop

Sign up for or arrange an online astronomy workshop that focuses on asteroids and other celestial bodies. It gives a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the universe we live in.

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Donate to Space Research

In honor of this special occasion, consider donating to organisations and institutions that conduct research on asteroids and other celestial bodies. This aids in further learning and understanding about these objects.

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Asteroid Day Quiz

Create a fun quiz based on information and facts about asteroids. This would help spread and increase knowledge about asteroids. Apart from having fun, participants will also be learning more about asteroids.

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Creative Writing Contest

Hold a creative writing contest where participants have to write short stories or poems related to asteroids. This promotes both creativity and education about asteroids.

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Sky-Themed Art Day

Arrange an asteroid and sky-themed crafting day, where you can paint or create asteroid and planet art. This is a fun and creative way of involving people of all ages in the event.

8 Interesting Facts About Asteroid


Origins of Asteroids

Asteroids are remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.


Number of Asteroids

Millions of asteroids exist in the solar system, mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


Asteroid Sizes

The sizes of asteroids vary. The largest known asteroid is Ceres which is nearly 590 miles in diameter, while the smallest ones can just be specks of dust.


Asteroid Composition

Asteroids are made in three types: C-type (carbonaceous), S-type (silicate), and M-type ( metallic).


Naming Asteroids

When asteroids are initially discovered, they are given a temporary name. Once its orbit is confirmed, it is then officially numbered and can be named.


Asteroid Impacts on Earth

Asteroids occasionally hit Earth and have been linked to mass extinction events. The most famous of these is the asteroid impact that may have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.


Asteroids and Meteoroids

When an asteroid enters Earth's atmosphere, it is then referred to as a meteoroid. If it survives the journey through the atmosphere and lands on Earth, it is called a meteorite.


Asteroid Mining

There is scientific and commercial interest in mining asteroids for precious resources like water, metals and minerals.

International Asteroid Day FAQs

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International Asteroid Day Word Search

  • Asteroid
  • Meteor
  • Impact
  • Space
  • Orbit
  • Celestial