December 7th

Candle Day -

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Candle Day is a unique occasion dedicated to the charm, ambiance, and tranquility brought into our lives by candles. Emerging from the well-known shop Bath & Body Works, Candle Day traditionally falls on the first Saturday of December, offering unbeatable prices on a range of diverse candle scents. Not only is this day a tribute to the visual and olfactory appeal of candles, but it also acknowledges their integral role in various cultural and religious rituals, as well as their ability to cultivate a serene environment.

Whether you’re enamored with fragranced candles or simply enjoy the inviting atmosphere they create, Candle Day is an exceptional event for everyone.

History of Candle Day

Candle Day, an annual event that occurs on the first Saturday of December, showcases the signature scented candles of Bath & Body Works. With its roots possibly tracing back to 2013, the day has grown to become a tradition for the retail brand.

Bath & Body Works did not immediately recognize Candle Day. It was only in recent years that this event was officially declared an annual celebration. On Candle Day, the brand significantly reduces the price of its popular 3-wick candles. This has transformed it into a magnet for those looking to buy holiday gifts or merely refill their own collections.

The event, which usually spans 24 hours, has gained immense popularity across the nation. Thousands of Bath & Body Works fans eagerly look forward to this day of substantial sales at physical stores and online.

Despite its association with Bath & Body Works, Candle Day has also brought to focus the broader charm of candles. Over time, it has suffused into a celebration of the comforting glow, delightful fragrance, and soothing qualities that candles offer. The influence of Candle Day has thus emerged wider than Bath & Body Works, uniting retailers and consumers worldwide in the collective appreciation of the humble candle.

Candle Day Timeline

Invention of Candles

Candles were first invented by the Egyptians who used reeds soaked in animal fat.

Origination of Candle Making Guilds

In Europe, candle making became a guild craft. Candle makers made candles from fats saved from the kitchen or sold their own candles from within their shops.

Invention of a Candle-Making Machine

Joseph Morgan created a candle making machine which significantly improved the speed of production.

Birth of Paraffin Wax Candles

Paraffin wax, made from petroleum, was first used to create candles. Paraffin wax contains no smell or taste, and burns cleaner than previous materials.

Decline of Candle Usage

With the introduction of electric light bulbs, the demand for candles began to slow.

Rise of Candle Popularity

Candles began to be viewed as a decorative item, used for their aroma and to create an ambiance, in addition to their original purpose of providing light.

Ideas to Celebrate Candle Day

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Candle Making Workshop

Host a candle making workshop for friends and family. Learn the process of candle making from melting wax to setting wicks and adding color and scent.

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Candlelit Dinner

Prepare a surprise candlelit dinner for your loved ones. The charm of dimly lit flickering candles combined with a delicious meal can make anyone’s day special.

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Scented Candle Sampling

Explore a variety of scented candles, each one carrying its unique essence. Create a fun game for everyone to guess the scent of each candle.

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DIY Candle Decor

Use candles creatively to decorate your house. You can use floating candles in a vase or small tea lights in mason jars for a festive look.

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Candle Art Display

Arrange a candle art display showcasing stunning candles from around the world or showcasing your DIY candle creations.

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Local Candle Shop Visit

Plan a visit to a local candle shop or a candle maker. Learn about the different types of candles and how each is made.

7 Interesting Facts About Candles


Ancient Candle Usage

Candles have been used for more than 5,000 years with some of the earliest known candles being made from whale fat by the Chinese.


Candles and Timekeeping

Before clocks, candles were used to tell time. Special candles were made to burn a certain amount of hours so people could tell how much time had passed.


Candle Industry

The candle industry is worth billions with the United States being the leading consumer of candles globally.


Varying Shapes and Sizes

Candles come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from large multi-wick candles to tiny tea lights, enhancing their functional and decorative appeal.


Symbolic Significance

In many cultures, candles symbolize life, love, celebration, spirituality, remembrance, and even represent the passage of time.


Scented Candles

Scented candles are made by adding natural or synthetic oils into the wax, which give a pleasant aroma when burned. These are widely used for aromatherapy.


Candles and Superstition

Some superstitions suggest that a candle which sputters and flickers is revealing the presence of a ghost or other spiritual being.

Candle Day FAQs

Next Candle Day Dates

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Candle Day Word Search

  • Candles
  • Flame
  • Light
  • Scented
  • Illuminate
  • Celebration