February 2nd

World Wetlands Day -

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World Wetlands Day is a global occasion recognized every year on the 2nd of February. This day pays tribute to the essential value of wetlands for our earth and all its inhabitants.

The purpose of this day is to spread knowledge and champion the crucial function of wetlands in promoting biodiversity, addressing climate change concerns, purifying our water sources, and offering a natural living environment for a multitude of species. Through various campaigns and initiatives, this day invites everyone to value and safeguard our invaluable wetlands.

History of World Wetlands Day

In 1971, the Convention on Wetlands was established in Ramsar, Iran. This historic agreement became the foundation for what is now known as World Wetlands Day, which is celebrated annually on February 2. This international treaty was the first of its kind, prioritizing the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

The day was first officially celebrated in 1997, following a decision by the Standing Committee of the Ramsar Convention, a treaty signed by 170 countries advocating for the wellbeing of wetlands.

The Ramsar Convention emphasizes the conservation, wise use and sustainable utilization of all wetlands, recognizing their significant ecological functions along with their economic, cultural, scientific, and recreational value.

Each year, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and groups of volunteers worldwide have used this day to raise public awareness of wetland values and benefits in general and the Ramsar Convention in particular.

The themes for the day vary with each passing year such as 'Celebrating our wetlands of international importance' in 2000, 'Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People' in 2008, 'Wetlands Take Care of Water' in 2013, 'Wetlands and Biodiversity' in 2020 and 'Revive and restore degraded wetlands' in 2023.

World Wetlands Day is now recognized globally through numerous initiatives like workshops, nature walks, youth art competitions, and community-led cleanup drives. The goal of these events is to enhance public understanding and appreciation of the importance of wetlands to our planet's health and the continuation of life.

World Wetlands Day Timeline

Formation of Wetlands

Wetlands were probably formed roughly 5 million years ago during the Miocene Epoch.

Usage of Wetlands by Early Humans

Early humans started to use wetlands for fishing and hunting. Shellfish and waterfowl were the primary sources of food.

Globally Recognized Importance

From the Mayans in Central America to the Maoris in New Zealand, cultures began to recognize the vital role wetlands played in their environments.

Signing of Ramsar Convention

On 2nd February 1971, a treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands was signed in Ramsar, Iran.

First World Wetlands Day

The Standing Committee of the Ramsar Convention declared February 2nd as World Wetlands Day.

Wetlands Loss

The Global Environment Centre reports that the world has lost approximately 50% of its wetlands since 1900 due to human activities.

Current Wetlands Conservation Efforts

Efforts are ongoing worldwide to conserve and restore wetlands, often involving local communities in their schemes.

Ideas to Celebrate World Wetlands Day

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Wetlands Clean Up Day

Invite your local community to participate in a cleansing day at your nearby wetlands. This activity can serve dual purposes: keeping the surrounding area neat while increasing awareness about the need to conserve these vital ecosystems.

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Educational Wetland Webinar

Plan a digital seminar where specialists and environmental advocates can discuss the significance of wetlands to our planet, the various creatures they sustain, and the hazards that threaten their existence.

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Planting Day

Arrange a communal tree or grass planting occasion along your local wetlands' edges. This helps combat erosion, provides essential habitats for species, and contributes towards the purification of the water body.

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Wetlands Walk and Talk

Schedule a guided excursion through the local wetlands, a unique opportunity for participants to discover the variety of inhabitants in the ecosystem. Incorporate an informative session to guide individuals on how they can assist in wetland conservation.

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Amateur Wetlands Photography Competition

Launch a photo contest celebrating the aesthetic charm of local wetlands. Categories could include aspects such as 'Fauna', 'Flora' and 'Landscapes'. Apart from fostering conservation efforts, this could potentially spur local tourism interest.

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Film Screening

Coordinate a viewing session of movies or documentaries that delve into the world of wetlands and their importance. It's a captivating way to enlighten the audience about these crucial ecosystems.

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Wetlands Bird Watching Session

Organize a bird identification session in the wetlands, known for their rich wildlife, particularly avian species. This event would allow attendees to marvel at the diversity within wetlands.

8 Interesting Facts About Wetlands


Wetland Diversity

There's a wide range of wetlands due to the variety in aspects like soil type, landscape, weather conditions, water depth, and flooding duration. This diversity spans from swampy forests and soggy bogs to dry salt lakes and mangrove ecosystems.


Crucial for Climate

Even though peatland wetlands only constitute around 3% of the world's land, they accommodate approximately a third of earth's soil carbons. They are incredibly instrumental in preserving the ecological balance by serving as carbon repositories.


Wetland Wildlife

Almost half of the approximately 800 species considered as threatened or endangered in the United States rely either directly or indirectly on wetlands for existence.


Natural Water Filters

Wetlands act like natural water purifiers, cleaning the water of harmful substances, pollutants and bacteria. They work like our body's kidneys, filtering out wastes, urban and industrial pollutants, and agricultural nutrients to enhance water quality.


Wetlands and Flooding

Wetlands help to mitigate soil erosion and avert damage during storms by slowing down the flow of floodwaters and storing them.


Rice and Wetlands

Over half of the global population depends on rice as their main food, and most of this rice is cultivated in modified wetlands.


Insect Super-Catchers

Wetlands are often referred to as the 'groceries of the insect realm'. A single square meter of wetland can support a whopping one million insects.


Biodiversity Hubs

Wetlands stand among the Earth’s most bountiful habitats. They serve as a dwelling place for a diverse assortment of beings, inclusive of birds, mammals, invertebrates, and microbes, among others.

World Wetlands Day FAQs

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World Wetlands Day Word Search

  • Wetlands
  • Nature
  • Ecosystem
  • Swamps
  • Wildlife
  • Protection