September 10th

World Suicide Prevention Day -

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On the 10th of September every year, communities across the globe come together to acknowledge the serious issue of suicide through World Suicide Prevention Day. The essence of this day is to bring light to the issue, provide support for those dealing with its consequences, and share life-affirming messages. It’s a time to openly tackle the taboo and discomfort associated with talking about mental health and the act of taking one’s own life, aiming to lift the weight of this topic so people can find the help they need.

We all play a role on this day: from listening and offering a shoulder to lean on, to educating ourselves and others about the signs that someone might need help. It’s about creating a world where no one feels so alone that they believe ending their life is the only option.

History of World Suicide Prevention Day

Marked annually on the 10th of September, the genesis of World Suicide Prevention Day can be traced back to the collaborative efforts put forth by the International Association for Suicide Prevention, in cooperation with the World Health Organization. This day was conceived as a dedicated time for raising awareness regarding the prevention of the tragic act of suicide, which has claimed countless lives across the globe.

Initiated in 2003, World Suicide Prevention Day emerged from the pressing need to tackle the grave statistics that highlighted the prevalence of this issue worldwide. The shocking revelation that close to a million individuals succumb to suicide each year prompted swift action, defining the necessity for such a day to be commemorated.

This observance is a call to action, not only to spread knowledge about the realities of suicide but also to dismantle the societal barriers that often shroud mental health discussions in silence. Through an array of activities that include memorial services, educational programs, and public demonstrations, this day advocates for open discourse on proactive suicide prevention methods.

As time has passed, World Suicide Prevention Day has carved out a place of importance on the international calendar, acknowledged and acted upon by myriad nations and organizations around the world. The establishment of this day has been instrumental in shaping public policy, refining education and intervention strategies, as well as amplifying the availability of support for those grappling with suicidal thoughts.

World Suicide Prevention Day Timeline

Goethe's 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' Effect

The novel allegedly led to a spate of emulative suicides across Europe, bringing attention to the phenomenon of copycat suicides, later termed the 'Werther effect'.

Émile Durkheim's 'Le Suicide'

Durkheim's study categorized suicide into types and explored the social factors that affect suicide rates.

Suicide Prevention Hotlines Begin

With the success of the LA Suicide Prevention Center, more hotlines were established, offering immediate help to those in need.

First International World Suicide Prevention Day

Marked every September 10th, this day was designated to promote awareness and action to prevent suicides worldwide.

Release of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

The United States updated its strategy to include community-based approaches, clinical and non-clinical settings, and evidence-based practices to reduce suicide.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

In the United States, the FCC designated '988' as the new nationwide number to contact the suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline.

Growth of Digital Mental Health Tools

There's been a significant growth in digital mental health services, including apps and online platforms, offering new access points for suicide prevention.

Ideas to Celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day

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Candlelight Vigil for Remembrance and Hope

Organize a community candlelight vigil on World Suicide Prevention Day to honor the lives lost to suicide and to foster a sense of solidarity among survivors and those affected. Encourage participants to share stories, offer support, and promote messages of hope and resilience.

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Educational Workshop Series

Host workshops throughout the day focusing on different aspects of suicide prevention, such as understanding warning signs, initiating conversations about mental health, and learning about resources for help. Provide opportunities for Q&A sessions with mental health professionals.

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Take 5 to Save Lives Campaign

Promote the 'Take 5 to Save Lives' campaign, which encourages individuals to take five simple actions that can make a difference in someone's life, including learning the warning signs, doing welfare checks, and spreading awareness about suicide prevention resources.

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Out of the Darkness Walk

Organize a local 'Out of the Darkness' community walk to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention. Participants can gather pledges and walk in memory of loved ones, to support survivors, and to unite in the cause of saving lives.

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Public Lecture and Q&A with Experts

Arrange a public lecture with mental health experts, researchers, and suicide prevention advocates to discuss the latest findings, share preventative strategies, and answer community questions to improve public knowledge and dismantle stigma.

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Suicide Prevention Policy Advocacy

Encourage community members to engage in advocacy efforts by reaching out to policymakers, demanding improved mental health services, and calling for policies that support suicide prevention and mental wellness programs at local, state, and national levels.

7 Interesting Facts About Suicide Prevention


The Power of Listening

Active listening can be a powerful tool in suicide prevention. Simply giving someone your full attention and truly hearing what they're saying without judgment can provide significant relief to someone in distress. Studies have shown that feeling heard and understood can help reduce feelings of isolation, a major risk factor for suicidal thoughts.


Crisis Lines Save Lives

Crisis hotlines such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the U.S. 988 offer immediate support for individuals in crisis. These services are confidential and available 24/7, providing a lifeline to those who feel they have nowhere else to turn. They have been credited with saving countless lives through timely intervention and support.


Gatekeeper Training Programs

Gatekeeper training programs are designed to teach individuals such as teachers, first responders, and community members how to identify and respond to people at risk of suicide. These programs have been successful in equipping people with the knowledge and skills needed to direct those at risk to the appropriate professional help.


Suicide is Preventable

Despite its complexity, suicide is often preventable. Research suggests that a combination of strategies including access to mental health services, community support, responsible media reporting, and education on suicide and mental health can help reduce the suicide rate.


Light at the End of the Tunnel

Many survivors of suicide attempts report that they did not want to die but rather wanted to escape unbearable pain. The majority of these individuals go on to live fulfilling lives after receiving proper care and support, illustrating that with help, there is hope, and a crisis can lead to recovery and a better life.


Media's Role in Suicide Prevention

How the media portrays suicide can have a significant impact on suicide prevention efforts. Responsible reporting practices that avoid sensationalism and include information about help services can reduce the likelihood of suicide contagion, also known as 'copycat' suicides. Guidelines for media professionals have been developed to encourage safe communication about the topic.


Economic Support Matters

Economic support plays a vital role in suicide prevention, particularly during times of financial crisis. Initiatives that reduce financial strain, provide unemployment benefits, and prevent housing instability have been linked to lower suicide rates. Ensuring that people have access to economic resources is a crucial part of comprehensive suicide prevention strategies.

World Suicide Prevention Day FAQs

Next World Suicide Prevention Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 September 10th Sunday
2024 September 10th Tuesday
2025 September 10th Wednesday
2026 September 10th Thursday
2027 September 10th Friday
What is the pattern? Every September 10th

World Suicide Prevention Day Word Search

  • Awareness
  • Support
  • Prevention
  • Crisis
  • Healing
  • Therapy