July 11th

World Population Day -

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Every year, on the 11th of July, we acknowledge and celebrate World Population Day. The day serves as a global epicenter for discussions surrounding the pressing issues related to population and its impact on development and planning.

This day is designed to raise public awareness about demographic issues, the proper use of resources, human rights, and more. The day serves as a reminder that our actions today lay the foundation for the future generations. It is not merely about the increasing number of people but about the intrinsic rights of individuals and opportunities for them to reach their full potential.

History of World Population Day

The history of World Population Day begins not too long ago, back in 1987. Born out of the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Governing Council, the idea stemmed from an epoch-making event when the total world's population touched around 5 billion on July 11. This significant day, coined as the 'Five Billion Day' by UNDP, sparked the idea of creating an international observance.

In response to the challenges and dilemmas posed by such a monumental increase in the global population, the UN General Assembly formally introduced World Population Day a couple of years later in 1989. The very essence of marking July 11 as World Population Day was to generate awareness about population-related issues and their potentially significant implications on overall global development.

Themes are assigned each year to direct the discussions and significant gatherings on World Population Day. The themes touch on an array of topics related to population issues, such as the empowerment and development of nations through family planning, investing in adolescent girls, and the intersection of reproductive health, gender equality, and sustainable development.

Over the years, World Population Day has served as an influential medium to increase understanding about population-related issues and generate conversations at all societal levels. Attention to population problems has indirectly fostered improvements in policy-making, research, and funding of initiatives related to these issues.

Various organizations working on population issues use World Population Day as a platform to mark their efforts while enhancing global understanding of population challenges. The day stands as a testament to the need for progress and development in managing critical population-associated issues.

World Population Day Timeline

Rise of Agriculture

Agriculture became a widespread practice in several parts of the world independently, significantly increasing the global population density.

World's Population Milestone

Population reaches 200 million, with most humans living in Asia and northern Africa.

The Black Death

The world population declined due to the bubonic plague; Europe's population shrank by nearly 60%.

First Billion

The world's population hit the 1 billion mark. The industrial revolution boosts population growth rate.

Second Billion

The world's population reached 2 billion. The growth boom was fuelled by advances in medicine and nutrition.

Fifth Billion

Thanks to the baby boom, post-war era and reconstruction, the world population hit 5 billion.

World Population Day

After the global population reaches 5 billion in 1987, UN designates July 11th as World Population Day.

Six Billion

The world's population climbed to 6 billion, just 12 short years after reaching 5 billion.

Current Estimated Population

Current world population: approximately 8 billion. Population continues to grow, but at a slower pace.

Ideas to Celebrate World Population Day

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Organize a Community Awareness Rally

Arrange a rally within your local area to shed light on population control matters. Explore discussion on influential demographic issues and potential strategies to handle them. This can serve the dual purpose of highlighting the issue and enhancing public knowledge on the topic.

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Host an Educational Webinar

You can host an interactive online session on this world population day where knowledgeable individuals can share their insights about population increments, their effects, and possible countermeasures. It comes off as an efficient strategy to boost awareness in today's technologically progressive society.

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Launch a Population-Themed Social Media Challenge

Use the global reach of social media platforms to engage a wide audience. Initiate a distinct challenge that connects with the World Population Day theme; it can range from sharing specific facts, creating unique posters, or stimulating an insightful conversation online.

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Participate in Official UN Events

The United Nations regularly organizes various virtual events and discussions, especially on significant days like World Population Day. Participation in such events promises a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of worldwide population issues.

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Hold a Film Screening

Think about arranging a movie session with films or documentaries that highlight population-related matters. A meaningful conversation after the film can stimulate thought and boost alertness about the topic.

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Conduct School Workshops

It’s essential for youngsters to recognize population issues, since they are tomorrow's leaders. Coordinate with local schools to conduct informative sessions or workshops focusing on global population growth, its impacts, and potential countermeasures.

7 Interesting Facts About World Population


The Billions Milestone

In 1804, the global population reached 1 billion for the first time in history. Astonishingly, the 2 billion milestone wasn't achieved until 1927. The jump to 3 billion was even quicker, happening in 1960, only 33 years later.


India's and China's Dominance

China and India are the nations with the largest population on Earth. Their inhabitants tally up to more than 1.4 billion each, making up more than a third of the global population.


World's Densest City

Manila, the capital city of The Philippines, holds the record for the highest population density globally. It has around 42,857 people populating per square kilometer.


Population Growth Rate

Currently, the world's population is growing at a rate close to 1.05% every year. This rate has been slowing down since it peaked in the 1960s at about 2.2%.


Dominant Languages

Among the 8 billion inhabitants of Earth, Mandarin Chinese is the language spoken by the most people, followed by Spanish and then English.


The Century of Rapid Growth

The 20th century was an era of unprecedented population growth. Over this hundred-year period, the world’s population catapulted from 1.6 billion to a whopping 6.1 billion.


Antarctica: The Unpopulated Continent

Antarctica is the world's only continent without a permanent human population. Nevertheless, each year it serves as temporary home to a collective group of scientists, ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 in number.

World Population Day FAQs

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World Population Day Word Search

  • Population
  • Census
  • Awareness
  • Humanity
  • Planning
  • Future