November 10th

World Immunisation Day -

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Every year, we observe World Immunisation Day on Novemeber 10th across the globe as a reminder of the vital part vaccines play in warding off illnesses and preserving lives. The purpose of this day is to emphasize the value of immunisation and inspire people to protect themselves and their kids from deadly ailments through vaccination.

This effort contributes significantly to enhancing overall health and reducing mortality rates, particularly among children worldwide. Given the emergence of various diseases, the urgency and importance of this day cannot be overstated.

History of World Immunisation Day

Immunization has a rich past that stretches back to the olden days when it was noticed that survivors of certain illnesses wouldn’t get sick again with the same illness. Before vaccines, a process called variolation was used in China and India long ago, which involved taking material from someone with smallpox and giving it to others to prevent the disease.

The real game-changer in immunization came along in the late 1700s with a man named Edward Jenner. He saw that women who got cowpox, a less serious disease from cows, didn’t catch smallpox. Jenner used material from a cowpox sore to protect a young boy against smallpox. This move set the stage for vaccines as we know them.

Later, Louis Pasteur came on the scene. He made vaccines for two nasty diseases, anthrax and rabies around the 1800s. Fast forward to the 1900s, vaccines were made for a bunch of other illnesses like polio. These vaccines made a big difference, stopping these diseases from affecting so many people.

In the last part of the 1900s, the World Health Organization started programs to get kids all over the world vaccinated. They wanted to make sure kids everywhere could get their shots against common diseases.

World Immunisation Day Timeline

First Vaccine

Edward Jenner successfully tested the smallpox vaccine, marking the beginning of modern vaccines.

Rabies Vaccine

Louis Pasteur created the first vaccine for rabies.

Tuberculosis Vaccine

Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin developed the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.

Polio Vaccine

Jonas Salk developed and tested the first polio vaccine.

Expanded Programme on Immunization

The World Health Organization began an effort to protect children around the world with necessary vaccines.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

An international effort to eradicate polio was launched.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization

This public-private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunization in poor countries.

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

COVID-19 vaccines were widely distributed worldwide, marking an unprecedented scale of immunization efforts.

Ideas to Celebrate World Immunisation Day

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Educational Webinar about Immunization

Organize an educational webinar featuring immunologists, doctors, and other health professionals to discuss the importance and facts about different types of vaccinations.

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Vaccination Awareness Walk

Conduct a community awareness walk, adhering to social distancing norms, to promote the benefits of timely immunization. Give out fliers, wear shirts promoting vaccines, and invite local health officials to speak.

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Create Inspirational Vaccination Stories Videos

Collect stories from individuals about the positive impact of vaccination on their lives. Compile these into a short video and share it on social media platforms, local TV channels, or during the educational seminar.

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Fundraising Event for Vaccination Programs

Host a digital fundraising event to raise money for local or international vaccination programs. This could involve a virtual dinner, concert, or auction with proceeds going towards the cause.

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Social Media Challenge

Start a social media challenge, like 'I Got Vaccinated!' where people share their pictures or experiences after getting vaccinated. This can help bust myths and fears about getting vaccinated and encourage others to do the same.

5 Interesting Facts About World Immunisation Day


An international observance

World Immunisation Day is observed worldwide. It provides a platform for people to unite and discuss innovative ways to ensure global health safety by vaccination.


Aim of World Immunisation Day

The day aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against diseases and increase rates of immunisation globally.


Importance of vaccination

Vaccinations can prevent 2-3 million deaths every year globally. World Immunisation Day emphasizes the need and importance of getting timely vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases.


Overcoming vaccination misinformation

One of the main objectives of World Immunisation Day is to combat misinformation concerning vaccines. Misconceptions and fears can lead to some parents hesitating to vaccinate their children. This day seeks to provide clear, evidence-based information about the safety and importance of vaccines.


Lifelong immunisation

World Immunisation Day advocates for the use of vaccines throughout life. From infants and children to adults and elderly people, everyone can benefit from timely vaccination.

World Immunisation Day FAQs

Next World Immunisation Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 November 10th Friday
2024 November 10th Sunday
2025 November 10th Monday
2026 November 10th Tuesday
2027 November 10th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every November 10th

World Immunisation Day Word Search

  • Vaccination
  • Immunisation
  • Antibodies
  • Syringe
  • Health
  • Prevention