January 9th

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day -

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National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is observed each year on January 9th. We set aside this day to express our respect and admiration for the brave men and women in law enforcement. It’s a day when we recognize these dedicated individuals who willingly face danger every day to protect our safety and enforce our laws.

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is a day to say ‘thank you’ to those tireless professionals who maintain law and order in our towns and cities.

Ideas to Celebrate National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

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Host a Community Appreciation Event

Coordinate a social gathering within your community to extend gratitude towards law enforcement officers. Could be in the form of a community picnic, a march, or a tribute ceremony.

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Support a Local Police Department

Drop by your nearest police station with a meal or snacks. This minor act signifies a grand appreciative gesture for their constant commitment and rigorous duties.

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Social Media Shout-Outs

Leverage your social networks to voice your tribute to law enforcement using the hashtag #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay. Share narratives of officers who have made an impact in your area.

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Express Gratitude in Person

An upclose and personal 'Thank You' extended to a police officer can be a mood-booster. Such genuine acts of kindness can mean a lot.

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Write Letters

Craft a heartfelt thank you message or an appreciation letter and drop it off at your nearest police outpost. This humble gesture can touch the hearts of officers who tirelessly battle extreme conditions.

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Offer Discounts at Your Business

Offering special deals or discounts specifically for law enforcement officers at your establishment is a great way to recognize their services, especially if you're a business proprietor.

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Educational Talks in Schools

Arrange interactive sessions in educational institutes where officers can impart knowledge about their duties and share interesting facets of their profession. This will instill a newfound respect and understanding for the profession among youngsters.

5 Interesting Facts About Law Enforcement Appreciation


Origin of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

The initial observance of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day dates back to 2015. It was instituted by the non-profit group, Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S), alongside other supporting entities. The main intention behind this was to show gratitude towards officers nationwide for their dedication to community safety.


Impact on Morale

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day significantly lifts the spirits of officers. Officers, who often find themselves in stressful and challenging circumstances, find the awareness of strong public support highly encouraging and morale-boosting.


Global Recognition

While this day was first established in the United States, the idea of appreciating and recognizing law enforcement personnel has been adopted globally, with various countries celebrating similar days.


Year Round Appreciation

Even though Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is celebrated specifically on January 9, the founding organization, C.O.P.S, advises community members to extend their supportive gestures throughout the year, suggesting acts such as donations to local police charities or planning community events to honor local law enforcement.


Supporting Families

C.O.P.S (Concerns of Police Survivors), the group behind the observance, also extends its support to the survivors. They focus on the families and coworkers of law enforcement officers who have lost their lives on duty.

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day FAQs

Next National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 9th Monday
2024 January 9th Tuesday
2025 January 9th Thursday
2026 January 9th Friday
2027 January 9th Saturday
What is the pattern? Every January 9th

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Word Search

  • Officer
  • Law
  • Service
  • Courage
  • Safety
  • Duty