November 19th

National Entrepreneur’s Day -

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Every year on November 19th, we commemorate National Entrepreneur’s Day, saluting the invaluable contributions of entrepreneurs to global progress, economic expansion, and job generation. This momentous day is dedicated to acknowledging the audacious individuals who engage in start-ups, build employment prospects, and accelerate the world’s financial system. We honor their brave determination, steadfast resilience and notable successes that consistently transform our world in unexpected ways.

National Entrepreneur’s Day highlights the role entrepreneurs play in shaping our world and the importance of creating an encouraging environment to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship.

History of National Entrepreneur’s Day

The idea for National Entrepreneur’s Day traces back to Siamak Taghaddos and David Hauser, the joint creators of Grasshopper, a virtual phone system crafted to assist entrepreneurs in launching and expanding their ventures. Recognizing the integral role of entrepreneurs in driving the US economy, Taghaddos and Hauser felt these business founders deserved specific acknowledgment.

Starting in 2010, the team at Grasshopper embarked on a campaign to institute National Entrepreneur’s Day, assembling online support and composing a Proclamation for Entrepreneur’s Day. Their commitment was unwavering, and they secured the endorsement of many influential entrepreneurs and eventually, the blessings of the White House during Obama’s presidency.

This culminated in the declaration of National Entrepreneurs’ Day in 2010. Former President Barack Obama embraced the initiative, declaring the final day of National Entrepreneurship Month to be a day dedicated to celebrating entrepreneurship, in November 2010.

National Entrepreneur’s Day is now celebrated all over America, serving as commendation for the innovation, determination, and relentless efforts entrepreneurs dedicate to their passions.

National Entrepreneur’s Day Timeline

Industrial Entrepreneurs

The rise of industries such as textiles and iron increased the number of entrepreneurs, contributing to the Industrial Revolution.

Henry Ford

Founded Ford Motor Company, revolutionising the production line and the automotive industry.

Cosmetics entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs like Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein founded cosmetics companies, capitalising on the growing market of beauty products for women.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

Founded Apple and popularised the personal computer, cultivating an era of technology entrepreneurship.

Mark Zuckerberg

Launched Facebook from his college dorm, evolving into a leading enterprise in social media and digital entrepreneurship.

Initiation of National Entrepreneur’s Day

A grassroots movement was started by entrepreneurs Siamak Taghaddos and David Hauser to create a day recognizing the hard work and innovation of entrepreneurs.

Recognition by President Barak Obama

The President acknowledged National Entrepreneur’s Day for the first time, raising its profile and legitimacy significantly.

Continued celebration and recognition

Celebrations continue annually, honoring the hard work, dedication and contributions of entrepreneurs to the economy and society.

Ideas to Celebrate National Entrepreneur’s Day

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Networking Event

Throw a networking event and invite entrepreneurs from different fields. This could be either an in-person event or a virtual one. Get everyone to share experiences, ideas, and maybe even establish beneficial ventures together.

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Business Fair

Plan a local business fair where entrepreneurs can showcase their products or services. Not only will it offer an opportunity for them to gain exposure, it could also serve as a platform where they learn from each other.

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Lecture Series or Webinars

Host a lecture series or webinars featuring successful entrepreneurs who can inspire others with their journey and lessons learned. This can be incredibly motivating and insightful for emerging entrepreneurs.

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Skills Workshop

Host a skills workshop focusing on essential entrepreneurial abilities or new tools, such as digital marketing, coding, or leadership principles. You can invite experts from these areas to facilitate the workshop.

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Pitch Competition

Organize a pitch competition where aspiring entrepreneurs present their business ideas to a panel of potential investors. This could also be a great learning experience for budding entrepreneurs.

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Invest in a Start-Up

If you've been inspired by an entrepreneur’s idea or service, consider backing them financially, if possible. Your investment doesn’t just offer financial support — it’s a show of faith in their vision.

8 Interesting Facts About Entrepreneurs


A Young Entrepreneur

Robert Nay was just 14 when he taught himself to code and created the mobile game app 'Bubble Ball' which has been downloaded over 9 million times since its launch.


The Age of Startup Founders

Contrary to popular belief, the average age of successful startup founders is around 45, not the youthful early-20s as often depicted.


The Billion Dollar Failures

Even the successful ones fail! Both Bill Gates and Henry Ford had unsuccessful businesses before their big breakthroughs.


The Longer High School, The Better

Varied studies show that entrepreneurs who drop out of school are less likely to succeed. In fact, more years of education increase chances of business success.


The Power of Persistence

According to Harvard Business School, entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before final success. Meaning, success is far from instantaneous.


The Big Four

Four of the five most valuable companies today—Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook— were started by first- or second-generation Americans.


The Importance of Patents

Entrepreneurs in high-tech industries such as computer/electronics manufacturing or software/data services place a lot of importance on patents with more than half considering them critical.


Famous Dropout Success Story

Despite leaving Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg went on to co-found Facebook, currently one of the biggest social media platforms globally with over 3 billion monthly active users.

National Entrepreneur’s Day FAQs

Next National Entrepreneur’s Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 November 21st Tuesday
2024 November 19th Tuesday
2025 November 18th Tuesday
2026 November 17th Tuesday
2027 November 16th Tuesday
What is the pattern? Third Tuesday of November

National Entrepreneur’s Day Word Search

  • Entrepreneur
  • Startup
  • Innovation
  • Business
  • Success
  • Venture