January 24th

National Compliment Day -

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National Compliment Day takes place on the 24th of January every year. This day provides a special opportunity for us to appreciate those around us by showering them with compliments. It’s a day that motivates us to spread warmth and positive vibes by appreciating each other’s finer points.

This enjoyable tradition prompts us to remember how a few well-chosen words can undoubtedly bring joy, enhance self-esteem, and even improve connections. This event invites us to accentuate the positive aspects in others and make them feel appreciated.

History of National Compliment Day

The concept of National Compliment Day came into existence on January 24, 1998. This initiative was put into place by Kathy Chamberlin and Debby Hoffyman, a pair of motivational speakers hailing from Hopkinton, NH, and Concord, NH respectively. Their intention behind creating this holiday was to motivate people to compliment and appreciate each other more often.

Chamberlin and Hoffyman recognised the profound effect a simple compliment could potentially have on someone’s day. They aimed to get people to use this positivity in their daily interactions, not just with their friends and family, but also with their colleagues and even people they hardly knew.

Their initiative quickly became a globally recognized observance of spreading positivity through affirmations and compliments. The principle behind this event is not only to establish healthier relationships, but also to reinforce the significance of uplifting communication.

With the advent of digital media and social platforms, recognition and participation in National Compliment Day have significantly increased. People worldwide use hashtags to share their compliments online, thus enriching this tradition even more.

National Compliment Day Timeline

Greek Poetry

Early Greek poets praised their heroes and heroines in verse form, a form of complimenting their bravery and virtues.

Roman Praises

Romans compliment their Emperors and generals for their victories using public speeches and written texts.

Medieval Courtly Love

Knights offer compliments to their ladies as a part of courtly love tradition.

Renaissance humanism

During the renaissance humanism, complimenting others on their knowledge and intellect became more prevalent.

Sentimental Era

Compliments become a significant part of romantic discourse and correspondence.

Modern Manners and Etiquette

Complimenting others becomes a norm in society, reflecting good manners and politeness.

Establishment of National Compliment Day

Kathy Chamberlin and Debby Hoffman officially establish National Compliment Day.

Social Media Influence

People begin using complimenting as a form of positive interaction on social media and online platforms.

Ideas to Celebrate National Compliment Day

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Create a Compliment Jar

Pen down uplifting words of admiration on pieces of paper and accumulate them in a jar. Each participant can pick a note and verbalize it for a burst of positivity. It is a sweet yet potent means to endorse optimism.

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Compliment & Recognition Session at Work

Arrange a meeting in which everyone gets the opportunity to applaud or acknowledge the efforts of their coworkers. This practice adds a wholesome dimension to the workspace and reinforces teamwork.

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Public Compliment Chain

Initiate a cycle of flattering remarks on a community network such as social media. This involves posting a compliment to someone and encouraging them to keep the cycle going, or you can propel your followers to compliment each other by creating a challenge.

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Self-Compliment Exercise

Spend some quality time appreciating your strengths. List out your accomplishments, virtues, and aspects that you are proud of. This routine is an effective means to nurture self-worth and gratitude.

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Compliment Cards

Craft small 'praise cards' that carry affirmations or expressions of gratitude. Distribute these cards to your friends, family, colleagues, or even strangers you cross paths with, to bring a smile on their faces.

6 Interesting Facts About Compliments


Compliments and Brain Activity

Interestingly, a comparison has been drawn between the effects of a genuine compliment and monetary rewards on your brain. They apparently stimulate the same region, as found by researchers in Japan. This implies that giving compliments could speed up learning.


Impacts on Work Productivity

In terms of productivity at work, compliments play a significant role. Research indicates that consistent and genuine commendations can strengthen teamwork and drive employee engagement.


Compliments and Health

Believe it or not, honest compliments can do wonders for your health. They help alleviate stress, uplift your mood, and contribute to maintaining mental wellbeing.


Compliment Givers Benefit Too

The benefits of compliments aren't limited to the recipients. Those who offer compliments also stand to gain from this simple act. It can uplift your mood, build your self-confidence, and facilitate positive interactions.


Compliments vs. Flattery

It is worth noting the distinction between compliments and flattery. Compliments are honest and sincere affirmations, while flattery, despite its outwardly similar appearances, is in fact insincere and often has a hidden agenda.


Compliments in Different Cultures

Compliment etiquettes can differ greatly from one culture to another. It is therefore essential to be mindful and respectful of the cultural norms and customs when expressing compliments to people from different backgrounds.

National Compliment Day FAQs

Next National Compliment Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 24th Tuesday
2024 January 24th Wednesday
2025 January 24th Friday
2026 January 24th Saturday
2027 January 24th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every January 24th

National Compliment Day Word Search

  • Compliment
  • Praise
  • Appreciate
  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Courtesy