September 29th

National Coffee Day -

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National Coffee Day, celebrated annually on September 29th, is a day dedicated to honoring one of the world’s most beloved beverages: coffee. It is a day for coffee enthusiasts to unite in their passion for the aromatic brew and relish the rich flavors, whether they prefer it black, with sugar, milk, or cream. This global observance not only celebrates the taste and energizing effects of coffee but also recognizes the complex journey from bean to cup.

The day is marked by a variety of festivities, including special discounts at coffee shops, educational seminars, and social media campaigns that often highlight sustainable practices and fair trade efforts in the coffee industry. It’s an opportunity to learn more about the different varieties of coffee, the art of brewing, and the impact of coffee culture around the world.

History of National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day Timeline

Discovery of Coffee

According to legend, an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi discovered coffee after noticing his goats became energetic after eating berries from a certain tree.

Introduction to Europe

Coffee was introduced to Europe and quickly became popular. Coffee houses opened across the continent, becoming centers of social activity.

First Coffeehouse in England

England's first coffeehouse opened in Oxford. By mid-17th century, several coffeehouses were operating in London.

Coffee in Americas

Coffee cultivation spread throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America. Plantations were established in regions that would become major producers.

Invention of Instant Coffee

Satori Kato, a Japanese-American inventor, introduced the first soluble instant coffee.

Nescafé Popularizes Instant Coffee

Nestlé introduced Nescafé and perfected the process of making instant coffee, greatly expanding its availability during and after World War II.

Specialty Coffee Movement

The rise of specialty coffee shops and the start of the second wave of coffee, characterized by an interest in high-quality coffee and espresso-based drinks.

Sustainability and Fair Trade

Growing awareness and initiatives for sustainable farming, fair trade practices, and the direct trade model in the coffee industry.

Ideas to Celebrate National Coffee Day

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Brew a Global Blend

Celebrate National Coffee Day by exploring different coffee cultures. Select beans from countries like Ethiopia, Colombia, and Vietnam to experience a range of flavors and brewing methods. Share your global coffee journey on social media or invite friends over for a tasting party.

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Coffee Shop Crawl

Organize a coffee shop crawl in your area by visiting several local coffee houses. Enjoy a different specialty drink at each stop and make sure to purchase some coffee beans to support local businesses. This is also a great opportunity to learn about the coffee-making process from local baristas.

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Coffee-Infused Dessert Party

Combine your love for coffee and sweets by hosting a coffee-infused dessert party. Bake treats that have coffee as a key ingredient like tiramisu, espresso brownies, or coffee ice cream. Have guests bring their own coffee-based desserts to share.

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Bean to Cup Experience

Learn about the journey of coffee beans from farm to cup. Organize a presentation or tour at a local roastery where you can witness the roasting process, learn about sourcing, and understand the importance of fair trade and sustainability in the coffee industry.

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Coffee DIY Day

Embrace the DIY spirit by making your own coffee-flavored items on National Coffee Day. Try crafting homemade coffee syrups, espresso-infused soaps, or coffee-scented candles. This can be a personal project or a group activity with friends and family.

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Espresso Education Webinar

Offer an online webinar or attend one that's focused on espresso education – from the types of beans that make the best espresso to the different machines and techniques used. Use National Coffee Day as a platform to raise your understanding and appreciation of the craft.

7 Interesting Facts About Coffee


Dancing Goats Legend

Coffee was supposedly discovered by an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi who noticed that his goats became unusually frisky after eating berries from a certain tree. Curious, Kaldi tried the berries himself and felt a novel liveliness. This tale is widely told though its factual basis is uncertain.


Bean Belt

Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world, all located within the 'bean belt,' which is the area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. These regions provide the perfect conditions of temperature, rain, and altitude for coffee plants.


Most Expensive Coffee Comes from Poop

Kopi Luwak, the world's most expensive coffee, is made from beans that have been digested and excreted by the Asian palm civet, a small mammal. The enzymes in the civet’s stomach are said to tenderize the beans and impart a distinctive flavor.


Espresso Means 'Pressed Out'

The word espresso, used for the strong, concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely-ground coffee beans, comes from the Italian 'espressamente' meaning 'specifically, explicitly and only for you' and the method of 'esprimere' meaning 'to press out'.


Finland is the World's Top Coffee Consumer

On a per capita basis, Finland drinks more coffee than any other country, with Finnish people consuming around 12 kilograms (26 pounds) of coffee each year. That's approximately four times the amount consumed by an average American.


The Boston Tea Party Made Coffee American

Following the Boston Tea Party in 1773, where American colonists protested British taxation by dumping tea into Boston Harbor, coffee became an act of patriotism. Rejecting tea, which was associated with Britain, Americans widely adopted coffee as their preferred morning beverage.


Late Bloomer Beans

A coffee plant can take up to five years to yield its first crop, but once mature, it can produce coffee for about 50 to 60 years, depending on the care and environment it is given. Even then, one tree usually yields enough beans for just one to two pounds of roasted coffee annually.

National Coffee Day FAQs

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National Coffee Day Word Search

  • Coffee
  • Arabica
  • Barista
  • Beans
  • Caffeine
  • Roast