January 20th

Martin Luther King Jr. Day -

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a significant U.S holiday that honors and remembers the remarkable work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a key figure in the civil rights movement.

This day, observed every third Monday in January near his actual birth date, stands as an emblem of his relentless fight against racial discrimination. It marks his commitment to attain justice through peaceful means, deeply rooted in his Christian philosophy.

History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The United States recognizes the third Monday in January as a federal holiday to honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a renowned leader in the fight for civil rights. The initial steps towards making this holiday a reality started just days after King was tragically killed on April 4, 1968.

Shortly after King’s death, a bill proposing the holiday was introduced, but it did not pass quickly. Simultaneously, the general public began to show growing support for a holiday dedicated to King. Union workers were particularly vocal, and in 1970, a petition supporting the holiday collected six million signatures, which remains one of the largest recorded petitions in the history of U.S. social issues.

By the 1980s, the movement had gained critical momentum. Renowned artist Stevie Wonder released “Happy Birthday” in 1980 to bring further recognition to the campaign. In 1982, he and King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, handed over a petition with six million signatures to the Speaker of the House.

The bill was finally signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 2, 1983, designating the third Monday of January as a celebration of King’s birth. The holiday was first observed in 1986, but it wasn’t until the turn of the millennium in 2000 that all 50 states officially recognized Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Today, the day is seen as an opportunity to champion the rights of all Americans and their diverse backgrounds. Many use the day to volunteer in their local areas, a fitting tribute to King’s advocacy for civil service and nonviolent methods to achieve social equity.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Timeline

Birth of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Becomes a Pastor

Martin Luther King Jr. becomes the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott after Rosa Parks' arrest, marking the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement.

'I Have a Dream' Speech

Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous 'I Have A Dream' speech at the March on Washington.

Nobel Peace Prize

Martin Luther King Jr. is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the civil rights movement.

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.

Establishment of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor King.

Ideas to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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Attend a Parade or March

Check out local community activities such as parades or marches that are organized in memory of Martin Luther King Jr. You can either participate in these events or pledge your support as a volunteer. This promises to be a genuinely significant event.

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Plan a Community Service Project

Draw inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr.'s commitment to helping others by putting together a service activity in your locality. This could range from tidying up your neighborhood to providing assistance at a local refuge center.

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Host a Discussion Gathering

Arrange a get-together with friends, relatives, or coworkers for an open conversation about equality and discrimination, subjects heavily emphasized in Dr. King's addresses. To initiate thoughtful debates, watch his speeches and discuss the themes.

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Donation to Civil Rights Organizations

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s life by granting financial support to an organization or charity committed to advancing civil rights and equality. This aligns with MLK’s aspirations and allows you to directly contribute to his cause.

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Educational Movie Night

Spend your evening watching a film or documentary detailing Martin Luther King Jr.’s life experiences and his impactful role in the civil rights movement. This can initiate constructive dialogues about his ideologies and how we can further his strive for equality.

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Read Literary Works

Engage more closely with Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and thoughts by perusing his speeches, personal memoir, or other texts about him. Sharing these with youngsters can be an excellent way to inform them about his incredible work and principles.

7 Interesting Facts About Martin Luther King Jr.


Skipped Grades in School

Due to his exceptional intellectual capabilities, Martin Luther King Jr. was able to bypass both 9th and 11th grade during his educational journey.


Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Martin Luther King Jr, when he was just 35, was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.


Young Minister

At the tender age of 19, King decided to embrace the career of a Baptist minister, after deliberating between professions in the fields of medicine and law.


Doctorate in Systematic Theology

King procured a doctorate degree in systematic theology from Boston University, an achievement he attained in 1955.


Influence of Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's teachings surrounding nonviolent protest and civil disobedience had a profound effect on King.


Imprisoned Nearly 30 Times

King was incarcerated about 29 times due to his involvement in significant civil rights movements like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Birmingham Campaign.


King's 'I Have a Dream' Speech

King pronounced his renowned 'I Have a Dream' speech in 1963, speaking before an enormous crowd of over 250,000 advocates of civil rights from the Lincoln Memorial's steps during the March on Washington.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day FAQs

Next Martin Luther King Jr. Day Dates

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What is the pattern? Third Monday in January

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Word Search

  • Dream
  • Activist
  • Leadership
  • Equality
  • Freedom
  • Speech