September 28th

International Rabbit Day -

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International Rabbit Day is a special annual event dedicated to the celebration and protection of rabbits, both domesticated and wild. Observed on the fourth Saturday or Sunday in September, it serves to promote the well-being of these beloved mammals, focusing on issues such as their care, conservation, and the perils they face.

The day is a call to action for animal rights organizations, pet owners, and conservationists to work together to ensure a safe and compassionate environment for rabbits around the globe. Educational programs, advocacy, and events centered on rabbit care and adoption are typical of this celebration, spotlighting the charming, intelligent nature of rabbits and the joy they bring to people’s lives.

History of International Rabbit Day

Rabbit enthusiasts and animal lovers mark their calendars for a special day that arrives with the advent of autumn. This day, often observed on the fourth weekend of September, shines a light on our long-eared friends, both the domestic companions that grace our homes and their wild counterparts. This celebration lacks the weight of tradition held by older commemorations, yet it carries significance for advocacy groups and pet aficionados.

Dubbed International Rabbit Day, the day was founded by the Rabbit Charity in 1998. Even though this charity is now defunct, the day has been embraced as an opportunity to foster awareness of the care that rabbits require, advocate for their welfare, and highlight the challenges they face.

The day’s main intentions are manifold:

  • To impart knowledge about domestic rabbits’ needs, underscoring that they demand attentive care akin to that of canines and felines.
  • To draw attention to and oppose the use of rabbits in testing for cosmetics and other products, promoting humane alternatives that forego animal experiments.
  • To cast a spotlight on the conservation of wild rabbit species and the preservation of their habitats.
  • To campaign against rabbit hunting for sport and protest the use of rabbit fur in fashion.
  • To urge the adoption of rabbits from sanctuaries and rescue operations, rather than purchasing from stores or breeders, in efforts to address overpopulation and neglect.

On such a day, it is important for participants to interact with rabbits, especially those in the wild, with the utmost respect and care, ensuring no distress is caused. Once a year, International Rabbit Day serves as a gentle nudge, reminding humanity that rabbits, like all creatures, merit humane treatment and dignity.

International Rabbit Day Timeline

Domestication of Rabbits

French monks were the first to tame rabbits when they were used as 'meat substitute' during Lent.

Rabbit Husbandry

Normans improved rabbit husbandry and spread the practice across the British Isles.

Selective Breeding

Selective breeding of rabbits began, leading to different varieties of domestic rabbits.

Fancy Breeds Development

Rabbits began to be bred not just for utility but also for appearance, leading to the creation of 'fancy' breeds.

Rabbit Shows

Popularity of rabbit shows rose, promoting the breeding of rabbits as a hobby.

Rabbit as Laboratory Animal

Rabbits gained importance as laboratory animals in biomedical research due to their size and reproductive rate.

Rabbits as Pets and Conservation

The domestic rabbit is now widely kept as a pet, and conservation efforts for wild rabbit species are ongoing in many parts of the world.

Ideas to Celebrate International Rabbit Day

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Adopt a Rabbit

Celebrate International Rabbit Day by providing a loving home for a rabbit in need. Visit your local animal shelter or rabbit rescue and adopt a rabbit to give them a second chance at life. Make sure to research and prepare for the responsibility that comes with caring for these adorable creatures.

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Rabbit Education Workshop

Organize an educational workshop that invites rabbit experts to speak about proper rabbit care, diet, and health. This can help current rabbit owners and those considering adopting to better understand the needs of these animals and promote responsible rabbit ownership.

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Rabbit-Themed Party

Host a bunny-themed party to celebrate International Rabbit Day. Encourage guests to wear rabbit ears, enjoy carrot snacks, and participate in bunny hop races. Decorate your space with rabbit motifs and donate any party proceeds to rabbit charities.

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Social Media Awareness Campaign

Create a hashtag for International Rabbit Day and encourage rabbit owners to share photos and stories of their bunnies. Use the platform to spread awareness about rabbit welfare and the importance of caring for these animals properly.

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Donation Drive for Rabbit Rescues

Organize a donation drive to collect supplies and funds for rabbit rescues and shelters. Essential items include hay, pellets, toys, bedding, and litter. Share a wishlist from local rescues, and arrange a drop-off point for contributions.

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Rabbit Film Night

Organize a movie night featuring films with rabbit characters, such as 'Watership Down' or 'Peter Rabbit.' Use the event to foster a love for rabbits and engage attendees in discussions about the fictional portrayal of rabbits versus the reality of their needs.

8 Interesting Facts About Rabbits


Prodigious Breeders

Rabbits are well-known for their ability to reproduce quickly. A single pair of mature rabbits can potentially give birth to around 40 offspring a year. Female rabbits can become pregnant again almost immediately after giving birth.


A Group of Bunnies

A group of baby rabbits is often referred to as a 'kindle'. In contrast, a group of adult rabbits is known as a 'fluffle' or a 'colony'.


Built-in Grooming Tools

Rabbits use their front incisors and claws to groom themselves meticulously. They can even twist their necks to groom the fur on their backs.


Coprophagy: A Nutritional Necessity

Rabbits practice coprophagy, which means they eat some of their own feces to re-digest undigested nutrients, especially critical for maintaining their digestive health.


Expressive Ears

A rabbit's ears do more than listen; they help regulate body temperature, and their positioning can indicate a rabbit's mood. For instance, ears flat against the back may signify fear or aggression.


Impressive Jumpers

Rabbits have strong hind legs and can jump up to 36 inches (91 cm) in height and nearly 10 feet (3 meters) in distance.


Unique Vision

With eyes on the sides of their heads, rabbits have a wide field of vision. They can see nearly 360 degrees around them, helping to detect predators from all angles. However, they have a small blind spot right in front of their noses.


Silent Communication

Rabbits communicate with each other using a variety of methods, such as thumping their hind legs on the ground to warn of danger or softly grinding their teeth to express contentment.

International Rabbit Day FAQs

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International Rabbit Day Word Search

  • Rabbit
  • Bunny
  • Hopping
  • Carrot
  • Ears
  • Furry