May 6th

International No Diet Day -

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Celebrated worldwide on May 6th, International No Diet Day is an event devoted to encouraging body acceptance and celebrating body diversity. It strongly encourages the importance of embracing all body shapes and sizes, challenging the notion that only a specific body type is considered ‘ideal’. This day underscores the significance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle over dieting and stresses on body positivity. It also serves as a reminder of the potential harm caused by extreme dieting and over-exercising.

On this day, individuals are urged to let go of their diet routines and instead, value and appreciate the different abilities of their bodies.

History of International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day (INDD) is recognized each year on May 6th. Created as a celebration of body diversity and an effort to make people aware of the harmful effects of dieting, the day emphasizes the importance of respect for all body types and fostering a healthy relationship with food.

Mary Evans Young, a British feminist and the head of Diet Breakers, established this day in 1992. Having personally overcome anorexia nervosa, she was motivated to address society’s unrealistic beauty standards and the dangers of unhealthy diet practices.

At the outset, Young’s efforts were small, engaging in conversations with friends and co-workers during lunch hours. She would regularly share messages like “Eating food won’t hurt you” and “Evaluate a woman’s beauty on her kindness and intelligence, not her shape or size.”

The first official gathering Young held to address these matters took place in her own living room. She asked friends to wear “Ditch that Diet” stickers and encouraged an open discussion about their experiences with and viewpoints on dieting.

In 1992, Young proposed the idea of “No Diet Day”. Her hope was to inspire people to listen to their bodies’ needs and focus on overall health rather than obsessing over their weight.

Today, International No Diet Day is celebrated in numerous countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Israel. The entity’s symbol is a light blue ribbon, similar to the breast cancer awareness pink ribbon. Over the years, International No Diet Day has continuously promoted a balanced lifestyle and a healthier, more accepting perception of one’s own body.

International No Diet Day Timeline

Weight Watchers Established

The establishment of Weight Watchers International, a company offering various dieting products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance.

SlimFast's Popularity

At its height of popularity, SlimFast, a diet that centered around meal replacement shakes, was generating about $1 billion in annual sales.

International No Diet Day

Feminist Mary Evans Young, who battled body image issues and eating disorders, introduces International No Diet Day.

International No Diet Day goes global

The day observed to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the ineffectiveness and dangers associated with dieting goes global.

The Anti-Diet Movement Gains Momentum

The body positivity movement began advocating for the acceptance of all bodies and sparked increased criticism of diet culture.

Growing Public Awareness

International No Diet Day continues to grow in recognition, helping to promote the idea that every body is a good body, regardless of size or shape.

Ideas to Celebrate International No Diet Day

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Delight with Global Cuisine

Celebrate different cultures by making dishes from various regions of the world for a grand feast. Enjoy food without worrying about calories or dietary restrictions for a day.

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Host a Food Love Party

Invite friends and family over to cook and eat a meal together. Encourage everyone to bring a dish that they love, regardless of its nutritional value.

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Participate in a Food Drive

Express love for food by sharing it with others. Donate to a local food bank or host a food drive. This not only allows you to celebrate the day but also helps those in need.

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Try Something Exotic

Mark this day by eating something you've never tasted before. It could be something deemed unhealthy that you've always avoided, or a unique dish from a foreign cuisine.

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Bake and Share

Bake some delicious pastries or a cake of your choice without worrying about sugar levels or calories. Share these sweet delights with friends, family, or even neighbors.

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Restaurant Hopping

Explore the delicacies from different restaurants around one city by hopping from one spot to another and trying something special from each.

5 Interesting Facts About No Diet Day


Significance of the Light Blue Ribbon

On No Diet Day, it is typical to wear a light blue ribbon to signify your participation and to spread awareness about the struggles associated with unrealistic body standards.


Celebrating Diversity

No Diet Day aims to promote and celebrate diversity in body shapes and sizes. It's a call to respect all body types and end body shaming.


Six Aims of the Celebration

No Diet Day has six main aims: questioning the idea of the ‘right’ body size, raising awareness of weight discrimination, size bias and fatphobia, educate people regarding the inefficiency of commercial diets, declaring a day free from diets and thoughts of body dissatisfaction, presenting research data about the ineffectiveness and dangers of dieting, and understanding the importance of the body acceptance and shape diversity.


Promotes Healthy Lifestyle

No Diet Day doesn't encourage unhealthy eating habits, but emphasizes on the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle rather than focusing on a strict diet to achieve a certain body type.


Battle Against Eating Disorders

This day also aims to highlight the risks of eating disorders that can develop from extreme dieting. These disorders can potentially lead to severe health complications or may even be life-threatening.

International No Diet Day FAQs

Next International No Diet Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 6th Saturday
2024 May 6th Monday
2025 May 6th Tuesday
2026 May 6th Wednesday
2027 May 6th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every May 6th

International No Diet Day Word Search

  • Acceptance
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Balance
  • SelfLove
  • Freedom