November 29th

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -

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The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, observed on November 29th each year, is a significant occasion that acknowledges the ongoing struggle faced by the Palestinian people and aims to foster worldwide support for their rights and aspirations. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the urgent need for a just and lasting solution that ensures peace, stability, and self-determination for all parties involved.

On this day, we come together to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians, to support their fundamental rights, and to renew our commitment towards achieving a just and sustainable future for both Palestinians and Israelis alike.

History of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Established by the United Nations, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is commemorated every year on November 29th. This special observance dates back to 1947 when United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, which proposed the division of Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, was passed on November 29, 1947. Jerusalem was proposed to fall under international governance managed by the UN. The plan, however, was not accepted by Palestinian Arabs and surrounding Arab states, triggering an enduring period of dispute.

Despite persistent challenges, the goal for peace persisted, and in 1977, the UN General Assembly chose to recognize November 29 as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The objective was to broaden international consciousness regarding the unresolved issues concerning Palestine’s status.

Over time, this day has garnered considerable global attention and is celebrated with various activities such as organized gatherings, exhibitions, and cultural shows worldwide. Influential individuals, organizations, and nations express their solidarity on this day, underlining the crucial need for a peaceful settlement of the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The central aim of this day is to offer an opportunity for people worldwide to demonstrate their solidarity and backing for the Palestinian people’s rights, including self-determination, national independence, and sovereignty in Palestine, and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and properties.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Timeline

Dividing Palestine

The United Nations votes in favor of dividing Palestine into two states: one Jewish and one Arab.

Creation of Israel

Israel declares independence and is established as a Jewish state. This sparked the Arab-Israeli war.

Six-Day War

Israel launches a pre-emptive strike on Egypt, starting the Six-Day War during which Israel seizes the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The United Nations General Assembly calls for the annual observance of 29th November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Israeli Law on Jerusalem

Israel enacts a law stating that 'Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel'. This was protested by the UN in multiple resolutions.

First Intifada

A widespread uprising begins against the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Second Intifada

A second Palestinian uprising begins, causing another wave of violence in the region.

Israeli Withdrawal

Israel withdraws all settlements from the Gaza Strip but maintains control of its airspace, seafront and access.

UN Recognition of Palestine

The UN General Assembly upgrades the status of the Palestinians to that of a 'non-member observer state'.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

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Virtual Palestinian Arts & Film Festival

Organize a virtual gathering featuring films and artwork created by Palestinians. Discuss the themes, ideas, and struggles showcased in these works to foster greater understanding of the Palestinian culture and challenges.

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Educational Webinar Series

Hold webinars featuring scholars and activists with profound knowledge of the Palestinian history and struggle. Invite public participation for gaining more insights and understanding.

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Culinary Celebrations

Host an event where participants can cook or enjoy traditional Palestinian food. Explain the significance and history of each dish to share and preserve Palestinian culinary heritage.

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Support a Palestinian Charity

Organize a fundraiser for a charity that offers aid to Palestinians. This can foster a sense of solidarity and provide much-needed assistance for the people dealing with the consequences of political conflict.

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Letter-Writing Campaign

Coordinate a campaign writing letters to your local representatives, advocating for Palestinian rights and asking for increased political intervention against violation of these rights.

8 Interesting Facts About Palestinian People


Language Proficiency

Most Palestinians are bilingual, with almost all people fluent in both Arabic, their native language, and English.


Historic Arts

Palestinian people have a rich history in arts, particularly in the forms of painting, pottery, textile production, and traditional music.


Cuisine Influences

Palestinian cuisine draws influence from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern foods, with dishes like hummus, falafel, and shawarma, popular globally now.


Dabke Dance

A traditional dance in Palestine is the Dabke, a folk dance performed during joyous occasions such as weddings.


Olive Trees

Olive trees are plentiful in Palestine and play a significant role in their economy. The olive tree is also a peace symbol in Palestinian culture.


Thobe Embroidery

Palestinian women are famous for creating 'Thobe' - a traditional embroidered dress that tells a visual story of the woman's origin, marital status, and lifestyle.


The Bethlehem Star

The city of Bethlehem in West Bank, Palestine, is hailed as the birthplace of Jesus and the Bethlehem star is symbolically significant globally.


Palestinian Diaspora

Significant populations of Palestinian diaspora live across the world in countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Chile, boosting multicultural contributions globally.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People FAQs

Next International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Dates

Year Date Day
2023 November 29th Wednesday
2024 November 29th Friday
2025 November 29th Saturday
2026 November 29th Sunday
2027 November 29th Monday
What is the pattern? Every November 29th

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Word Search

  • Palestine
  • Solidarity
  • Freedom
  • Refugees
  • Peace
  • Justice