May 28th

International Day of Action on Women’s Health -

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Each year on May 28, people across the globe come together to observe the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. This day has been set aside to bring attention to health problems and inequalities faced by women universally. An avenue for activism, it looks at women’s health from all angles, including their physical, mental, and social well-being.

The day sends a strong message about the importance of women’s rights and encourages steps to improve their health and well-being through better access to healthcare services, a variety of family planning options, and legal ways to terminate pregnancies.

History of International Day of Action on Women’s Health

The International Day of Action for Women’s Health has its roots in the efforts of a feminist activist organization known as the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR). This significant day was established in 1987 during the 4th International Women’s Health Meeting in Costa Rica to address and rectify the unique health challenges that women encounter.

Initially, the commemoration was an event primarily centered on the discussion of women’s reproductive health and rights. It was a significant occasion that engaged a global audience of feminist activists, defenders of women’s rights, healthcare providers, and researchers to strategize about health issues specifically relevant to women.

As time progressed, the observance of this day expanded to encompass a broader spectrum of topics such as maternal health, safe abortions, HIV and AIDS, sex education, contraceptives, and violence against women among others.

The main objective of this day is to act towards the empowerment of women, particularly regarding their health rights. It’s a worldwide advocacy effort that celebrates diversity in terms of race, age, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation.

Across the globe, numerous entities from non-profits to government bodies, from donors to the general public engage in actions aimed at propelling advancements in women’s health on this day.

International Day of Action on Women’s Health Timeline

First Celebration of International Day of Action on Women’s Health

The Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights initiated to declare May 28th as the International Day of Women’s Health.

Millennium Development Goals

The UN declared to improve maternal health by 2015 as part of Millennium Development Goals.

Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health

This strategy by WHO aimed to save the lives of 16 million women and children before 2015.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

These new collection of global goals aimed to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all women at all ages under Goal 3.

She Decides

On this day, international organizations like She Decides, have called for action against laws and policies that impede on women's health rights.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day of Action on Women’s Health

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Organize a Women's Health Fair

Plan and host a local health fair with booths offering free screenings, information about preventive care, and resources for mental and physical health. Invite professionals such as nutritionists, psychologists and gynecologists to educate participants and answer queries.

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Conduct a Women's Health Seminars and Workshops

Curate seminars, webinars, or workshops that focus on various aspects of women's health, including reproductive health, mental health, and the importance of regular check-ups. Invite healthcare professionals to give the talks or lead the workshops and provide helpful, reliable information.

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Launch a 'Healthy Lifestyle' Challenge

Encourage women in your community to engage in a two-week 'Healthy Lifestyle' challenge, incorporating healthy eating, exercise regime, mental health activities, and regular health check-ups into their daily life. Share a progress tracker and helpful tips through a community group or web page.

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Host a Charity Run

Arrange a charity run or walk that focuses on women's health where all proceeds go to research or help fund treatment for women who can't afford necessary care. This can also raise awareness about the importance of regular health check-ups and adopting a fitness routine.

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Establish a Wellness Retreat

A 1-day wellness retreat focusing on mental health and stress management can be beneficial to many women. Incorporate activities like yoga, meditation, and counseling sessions led by professionals in a tranquil environment.

8 Interesting Facts About Women’s Health


Weight and Heart Disease

Women who are overweight are more likely to develop heart disease, even if they don't have other risk factors. This is because excess weight triggers inflammation and changes in the fats circulating in the bloodstream, both of which may lead to heart disease.


Bone Density and Age

Women start losing bone density in their 20s. Women can lose up to 20% of their bone density during the five-seven years following menopause sometimes leading to osteoporosis.


Calcium Requirement

Women need more calcium during their lifespan to support the health of their bones. The need for calcium intensifies during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and after menopause.


Pregnancy and Tooth Loss

Pregnant women with gum disease are more likely to go into early labor, delivering a premature and low birth weight infant. In fact, pregnant women undergo hormonal changes that can affect oral health.


Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart attack symptoms can be different for women. While chest pain is the most common symptom, women may experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back, or jaw pain.


Exercise Boosts Memory

Regular physical activity especially aerobic exercises can improve memory and thinking skills in women. Moreover, it also lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases and enhances mood.


Iron and Women

Women require more iron than men to make up for the amount of iron they lose in their menstrual period. Around 1 in 10 women of childbearing age is iron deficient.


Depression and Women

Women are nearly twice as likely as men to get diagnosed with depression. Hormonal changes during menstrual cycle, birth after childbirth and menopause may increase the risk.

International Day of Action on Women’s Health FAQs

Next International Day of Action on Women’s Health Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 28th Sunday
2024 May 28th Tuesday
2025 May 28th Wednesday
2026 May 28th Thursday
2027 May 28th Friday
What is the pattern? Every May 28th

International Day of Action on Women’s Health Word Search

  • Women
  • Health
  • Awareness
  • Rights
  • Hygiene
  • Prevention