February 14th

Ash Wednesday -

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Ash Wednesday commences the season of Lent in the Christian liturgical calendar. This day carries great significance and is marked with confession and deep introspection among believers across different Christian denominations, such as Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and certain Protestant communities.

The distinguishing characteristic of this day is the ritual of applying ashes on the adherents’ foreheads, signifying atonement. Ash Wednesday acts as a poignant reminder of our earthly mortality and our necessity for making amends with God, thereby setting a reflective tone for the subsequent forty-day Lent period.

History of Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday holds deep significance in Christian tradition, symbolizing the start of Lent, a period of 40 days marked by fasting and repentance, culminating in Easter. The origins of Ash Wednesday can be traced back to both ancient Jewish customs and early Christian ceremonies.

Jewish culture traditionally used the act of putting on ashes and sackcloth as a visible display of an individual’s contrition and humility in the presence of God. This practice is noted in the Old Testament, with Job and Daniel among those employing this ritual to express sorrow or repentance.

In the infancy of the Christian Church, Ash Wednesday was recognized as a day of remorse and the commencement of a period of rigorous self-denial for those who had committed severe sins and were undergoing public penance. These individuals were excluded from the church fellowship and required to live in isolation, adorning themselves with sackcloth and ashes as symbols of penance. They were permitted to reintegrate with the church community once they demonstrated sincere remorse throughout the Lenten period, usually via a formal reconciliation ceremony held on Holy Thursday or Good Friday.

In the 8th century, the tradition of marking foreheads with ashes was broadened to include the entire congregation, not just the publicly penitent, under Pope Gregory the Great. The ashes used for this ritual came from burning the palm fronds left over from the previous year’s Palm Sunday.

The priest, while applying the ashes, marks the forehead with the shape of the cross to serve as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice. The words spoken during this ritual - “Remember, that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return,” - reflect Genesis 3:19, underscore human mortality and the necessity for atonement.

With time, the practice of receiving ashes became widespread in Western Christianity. Today, it is most commonly seen among Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, and some non-denominational churches. Some Eastern Orthodox churches also practice Ash Wednesday, though their Lenten period begins on “Clean Monday.”

Ash Wednesday Timeline

Council of Nicea

The council that introduced Lent as a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter. However, Ash Wednesday was not yet recognized.

Beginning of Ash Wednesday Observance

According to scholars, Ash Wednesday began to be observed around 600 AD with the ashes being a symbol of the repentance of sins.

Establishment of Ash Wednesday

Around this time, Ash Wednesday became more officially recognized by the Church, with ashes being distributed and the words 'Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return' being said.

Reformation Period

During the Protestant Reformation, the observance of Ash Wednesday was criticized and rejected by some Protestant groups.

Modern Observance

Many Christian denominations continue to observe Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the Lenten season.

Ideas to Celebrate Ash Wednesday

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Attend a Church Service

In many Christian communities, particularly Catholics, Anglicans and Lutherans, special services are conducted on Ash Wednesday. A key feature of these services is the symbolic act of drawing a cross on believers' foreheads with ashes, an acknowledgment of repentance and human mortality.

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Embark on a Fast

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a duration of self-denial and contemplation. Many choose to give up specific foods or habits during this period as a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice.

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Start a Spiritual Study

Ash Wednesday could serve as an ideal day to initiate a course on religious readings or meditation. You could focus on sacred texts and interpretations that highlight sorrow for sins, salvation, and self-improvement.

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Perform Acts of Kindness

To commemorate Ash Wednesday, you can show your compassion for others. This could involve offering your services to a local not-for-profit organization, extending unsolicited acts of kindness, or giving money to a commendable cause.

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Spend Time in Prayer

Ash Wednesday is synonymous with reflection and devotion. Reserve some peace and quiet to express your gratitude, articulate your Lenten intentions, ask for pardon, or pray for others.

6 Interesting Facts About Ash Wednesday


Origins of Ash Wednesday

The tradition of Ash Wednesday has its roots in biblical times, with the act of sprinkling ashes being a symbolic gesture of penance and repentance. Symbolizing sorrow and repentance, this practice can be traced back to traditions observed in the Old Testament.


Day of Fasting and Abstinence

On Ash Wednesday, those above the age of 14 typically abstain from eating meat, and those between the ages of 18 to 59 are expected to partake in just one full meal. This is a practice known as fasting and abstinence.


Ashes from Palm Sunday

The ashes utilized on Ash Wednesday have a unique origin; they are the result of burning the palm leaves that received blessings during Palm Sunday of the preceding year. This signifies the recurring nature of the religious calendar.


Kick-off to Lent Season

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day Lent period (excluding Sundays), a time devoted to prayer, penitence, and mental preparation for the celebration of Easter.


Universal Christian Observance

While Ash Wednesday is prominently associated with the Catholic faith, it is also observed by several other Christian denominations. These include, but are not limited to, Methodists, Lutherans and Anglicans.


Ash Cross

For many church attendees, Ash Wednesday is marked by having a cross drawn on their foreheads with ashes, serving as a public demonstration of repentance. The phrase 'Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return' or 'Repent, and believe in the Gospel' is often spoken during this ritual.

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Ash Wednesday Word Search

  • Lent
  • Prayer
  • Fasting
  • Ashes
  • Sacrifice
  • Christianity