March 12th

National Girl Scout Day -

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National Girl Scout Day, observed annually on March 12th, pays tribute to the invaluable movement that empowers millions of girls every year. Originating in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low started the first Girl Scout group in Savannah, Georgia, the day commemorates the invaluable role this organization plays in shaping the future’s female leaders.

Celebrating the legacy and lasting impact of the Girl Scouts, this day promotes their mission to boost courage, confidence, and character in young girls, helping them become responsible and successful individuals who can make a difference in the world.

History of National Girl Scout Day

The Girl Scouts of the USA was established by Juliette Gordon Low from Savannah, Georgia. Her aim was to empower girls with strength, courage, and faith to make a difference in the world. Known to her friends as Daisy, Low’s vision was for all girls to have the chance to grow personally, mentally and spiritually. She was devoted to motivating girls to overcome perceived limitations that were a product of the societal norms of her time which limited roles and behaviors for women.

Low began the Girl Scout movement on March 12, 1912, with a team of 18 girls from Savannah. This group engaged in adventurous activities such as hiking, swimming, camping and stargazing for timekeeping. Also, they played basketball. These were mostly outdoor activities and stood in stark contrast to the household chores and crafts that girls of the era were typically engaged in.

The Girl Scouts of USA was reciprocated by further validation when the U.S. Congress officially chartered it on March 16, 1950. Today, the Girl Scouts boasts over 2.5 million members—consisting of 1.7 million girl members and 750,000 adults who mostly contribute as volunteers.

Over the years, the Girl Scout program has flourished and diversified, embracing various fields including STEM, outdoor adventure, life skills, and entrepreneurship. The organization welcomes girls from every background, helping them foster leadership skills, inclusiveness, and community involvement.

National Girl Scout Day Timeline

Formation of Girl Scouts

Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia.

Headquarters Established

Headquarters for Girl Scouts was established in New York City.

First Girl Scout Cookie Sale

The first Girl Scout cookie sale was held in Oklahoma.

Membership Growth

By the 1950s, Girl Scout membership had reached one million across the United States.

Celebrating 100th Anniversary

Girl Scouts celebrated their 100th anniversary, with over 2.3 million youth participants and 890,000 adult members.

Increasing STEM Activities

Girl Scouts launched 42 new badges that allow girls to make their own choices about how they want to experience and influence the world.

National Girl Scout Day

National Girl Scout Day is observed annually, celebrating the creation and continuation of this empowering organization for young girls.

Ideas to Celebrate National Girl Scout Day

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Organize a Scavenger Hunt

Create a Girl Scout inspired scavenger hunt where items or clues are related to the Girl Scouts. The hunt could include tasks such as finding a picture of Juliette Gordon Low or spotting a particular Girl Scout badge.

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Start a Community Project

In the true spirit of Girl Scouts, celebrate the day by starting a project or initiative that benefits your local community. This could be anything from a neighborhood clean-up, hosting a charity drive, or planting trees.

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Storytelling Session

Organize a storytelling session where current and former Girl Scouts can share their experiences, achievements, and values they gained from the organization. This can be an inspirational and motivational event for young scouts.

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Girl Scout Movie Night

Host a movie night featuring films and documentaries about the Girl Scouts or female empowerment. This can be an excellent way to learn more about the organization’s history and values.

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Visiting a Girl Scout Museum

If there's a Girl Scout museum near you, visit to learn more about the organization's rich history. It’s a fun and educational way to celebrate the day.

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Donation Drive

Honor the giving spirit of the Girl Scouts by organizing a donation drive. Donate funds, time, or other resources to your local Girl Scout troop or another charitable organization.

5 Interesting Facts About Girl Scouts


Founded by a Groundbreaking Woman

The Girl Scouts was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 who was a trailblazer in terms of women's rights. She believed in the potential of every girl and that they should be given the opportunity to develop physically, mentally and spiritually.


Community Service from the Start

One of the first Girl Scout initiatives was a campaign during World War I where they sewed clothes for soldiers and rolled bandages for the Red Cross. This ingrained a value of community service early in the organization's history.


The Cookie Empire

Since the 1930s, Girl Scout Cookies have been a major fundraiser for the organization. It’s not only about sales but also about teaching skills such as goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.


Famous Alumnae

Several famous women were Girl Scouts, including Taylor Swift, Hillary Clinton, Venus and Serena Williams, and Sandra Day O'Connor.


Highest Award

The Gold Award is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA. It is awarded to Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts who propose and complete a project that benefits their community or the world. It requires a minimum of 80 hours of work in planning and implementing.

National Girl Scout Day FAQs

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National Girl Scout Day Word Search

  • Scout
  • Cookies
  • Volunteer
  • Leadership
  • Camping
  • Adventure