March 15th

International Day Against Police Brutality -

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Every year on March 15th, people around the world observe the International Day Against Police Brutality. This significant day, which began in 1997 through the efforts of the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality in Montreal and Switzerland’s Black Flag group, raises awareness about the serious and widespread issue of police violence and misconduct.

The day stands as a global protest against human rights violations committed by law enforcement and highlights the pressing need for policing reforms and accountability. This annual event also motivates societies to challenge injustice and advocate for fair and ethical policing practices across the globe.

History of International Day Against Police Brutality

The International Day Against Police Brutality first came about in March of 1997, pioneered by the Montreal-based Collective Opposed to Police Brutality and the Black Flag group located in Switzerland. They selected this date in response to a horrific incident that happened on March 16, 1993, when Swiss police shot two kids unnecessarily, who were just 11 and 14 years old.

For several years before the creation of the International Day Against Police Brutality, March 15 had already been a date in Montreal where the attention was drawn towards police brutality. This is primarily due to the heightened cases of police misconduct, particularly amongst individuals in disadvantaged and marginalized sectors of these communities.

Internationally, numerous events happen annually to mark this day like rallies, public talks, and marches. The objective is to shed light on the widespread issues regarding police brutality globally. Some of these events have specifically directed attention towards instances of racial profiling, institutional violence, and police impunity.

Every year, the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality has been organizing rallies on this day since the beginning of the International Day Against Police Brutality. Similar events have also been organized by activist groups in other cities like Paris, London, Brussels, Toronto, and New York to openly condemn police brutality and to seek justice for victims.

Recent events, including the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis back in 2020, have thrust public attention back to issues of racial profiling and police brutality. The subsequent protests worldwide reemphasized the need for recognizing the International Day Against Police Brutality to spread awareness of the violence executed by police forces and to advocate for justice and reform.

International Day Against Police Brutality Timeline

Inception of International Day Against Police Brutality

International Day Against Police Brutality was inaugurated by the Montreal Collective Opposed to Police Brutality and the Black Flag group in Switzerland.

International Recognition

The event got international recognition and was observed in 31 countries across the world to campaign against the occurrence of police brutality.

Indigenous Protests

An indigenous woman in Canada started a protest against police brutality targeted at native communities.

Amplified Relevance

After the murder of George Floyd igniting BLM protests all over the world, the significance and importance of this day was highlighted further.

Calls for Systemic Changes

There were increased demands for systemic changes in law enforcement to fight against discrimination and violence.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day Against Police Brutality

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Organize a Peaceful Rally

Gather your local community for a peaceful rally in a public area. Be sure to acquire necessary permits if required. Stress on the importance of non-violence and ensuring the rally is a forum for constructive discussion and understanding on the topic of police brutality.

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Police-Community Dialogue

Invite local law enforcement officers and community members to a moderated forum. This provides a safe space for open discussions, transparency, and understanding on both sides. Ensure it's aimed at fostering better police-civilian relationships by addressing concerns about brutality and misconduct.

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Public Awareness Campaign

Start a campaign using social media, local newspapers, and radio shows to raise awareness about the issue of police brutality. Encourage people to share their viewpoints, experiences, and suggestions for improvements, stressing the importance of peaceful, respectful conversation.

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Educational Webinar

Host an online webinar inviting experts from criminal justice, social workers, psychologists, and law enforcement to talk about the causes, impact, and ways to prevent police brutality. Engage the participants with Q&A sessions and constructive debates.

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Police Reform Petition

Launch an online petition calling for reforms within the local or national police force to tackle the issue of police brutality. Share relevant data and information to gain more support from the public and policy makers.

5 Interesting Facts About International Day Against Police Brutality


Why March 15?

The date was selected because the Black Flag group in Switzerland had traditionally organized protests on this date to denounce police brutality.


Global Recognition

Over the years, the day has gained global recognition and is now commemorated in cities around the globe including Chicago, Luxembourg, Germany, and others.


Informal Approach

Despite the importance of the day, the International Day Against Police Brutality is typically grassroots and informal. The central idea is to provide a space for victims and their families to speak out and raise awareness.


Varied Forms of Protest

The observance of the day includes protests, marches, and online campaigns. Many organizations and individuals use the day to advocate for changes in law enforcement structure.


Intention Behind the Day

The day is not an anti-police day. Rather, it aims to highlight the issue of police misconduct and violence, fostering discussions on transparency, accountability, and the protection of human rights.

International Day Against Police Brutality FAQs

Next International Day Against Police Brutality Dates

Year Date Day
2023 March 15th Wednesday
2024 March 15th Friday
2025 March 15th Saturday
2026 March 15th Sunday
2027 March 15th Monday
What is the pattern? Every March 15th

International Day Against Police Brutality Word Search

  • Protest
  • Justice
  • Nonviolence
  • Rights
  • Fairness
  • Respect