August 17th

World Honey Bee Day -

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World Honey Bee Day, which falls on the third Saturday in August each year, is a day set aside to pay tribute to the remarkable role that honey bees play in our environment and ecosystems. It’s a day dedicated to raising public awareness about these industrious insects and their vital function in our world. The day stresses the critical importance of not just preserving, but also actively protecting bees and their habitats.

By celebrating World Honey Bee Day, we are reminded that it’s up to all of us to contribute to the conservation of these essential pollinators.

History of World Honey Bee Day

The roots of World Honey Bee Day trace back to the United States. It originally started as National Honey Bee Awareness Day in 2009 after Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack, made a formal proclamation. The main aim was to shed light on environmental issues that were critically affecting honey bees. Beekeepers, honey bee enthusiasts, and various beekeeping associations and clubs from across the United States advocated for this day. However, its influence later expanded worldwide due to the pivotal role honey bees play globally.

The initiation of this significant day resulted from a bottom-up effort by American beekeepers, who filed a petition to the USDA in 2009. Pennsylvania Apiculture Inc. took the lead in propelling the campaign, which was supported by beekeepers from twenty-two states, leading to its formal recognition by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

As the crisis regarding the reduction in bee populations began raising worldwide concerns, World Honey Bee Day has since evolved into an international event. Many countries across the globe now acknowledge this day to raise public awareness about dwindling honey bee populations and emphasize the critical function bees perform in our ecosystem.

World Honey Bee Day is now celebrated with a wide array of activities, including public education events about honey bees, demonstrations showcasing honey bees and their products, and the provision of various resources to educate the public about bees. It not only allows us to acknowledge their importance in our daily lives but also offers an opportunity to celebrate these industrious insects.

World Honey Bee Day Timeline

Earliest Observation of Bees

Rock paintings in Spain depict early human interactions with bees, presumably for the collection of wild honey.

Appearance in Writings

Egyptian hieroglyphics illustrate humans keeping bees in hives.

Honey in Greek Culture

The ancient Greeks recognized the medicinal properties of honey and used beeswax in bronze casting.

European Beekeeping

European farmers begin to domesticate honey bees in straw skeps.

Langstroth Hive

American apiarist Lorenzo Langstroth invented a hive with removable frames, a design still in use today.

Colony Collapse Disorder

A phenomenon causing worker bees to abruptly disappear from hives threatens global bee populations and honey production.

First World Honey Bee Day

Pennsylvania beekeepers launched 'Honey Bee Awareness Day', which later became known as World Honey Bee Day.

Endangered Species

The rusty patched bumblebee, a species of honey bee, is declared endangered in the United States.

Ideas to Celebrate World Honey Bee Day

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Bake with Honey

Celebrate the day by baking a selection of goodies using honey as the primary ingredient. You could make honey cakes, honey cookies, or even honey-glazed meats.

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Honey Tasting Party

Invite some friends over for a honey tasting party. You can introduce different types of honey like clover, buckwheat, or wildflower, and discuss their unique flavors. Pair the honey with different foods to enhance the experience.

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Plant a Bee-friendly Garden

In honor of World Honey Bee Day, plant a variety of bee-friendly flowers in your garden. Honey bees love plants like sunflowers, lavender, and poppies. This not only celebrates the day but also helps in honey bee conservation.

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Support Local Beekeepers

Visit a farmer's market or local business that supports nearby beekeepers. Purchase some honey to support these individuals and groups who are helping to keep the honey bee population alive.

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Educate Others

Lease a space or use a virtual platform to give a presentation about the importance of honey bees to our ecosystem. Share the challenges bees face and what can be done to help.

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Documentary Viewing

Host a family or community viewing of a documentary about bees such as 'Vanishing of the Bees' to raise awareness about their importance.

7 Interesting Facts About Honey Bees


Honey Bees' Superb Navigation Skills

Honey bees can remember landmarks and the sun's position to help them navigate. They convey this information to other bees using a 'waggle dance' to signal the direction and distance of food sources.


Life-Saving Medicine from Honey Bees

Bee venom is used in medicine for a number of conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and cancers. Scientists are also researching how honey bees might help halt the spread of HIV.


To Bee or Not To Be a Queen

The difference between worker bees and queens is all about the food. Larvae designated to become a queen are fed a special food called royal jelly, which triggers the development of queen features.


Honey Bees are Speedy Fliers

They can fly at a speed of around 15 miles per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second. Despite this seemingly swift speed, it is still considered slow compared to other insects.


Not All Bees Make Honey

Only honey bees produce enough honey for humans to harvest. In fact, a single bee produces about 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. Therefore, it takes many bees and a lot of nectar to produce a jar of honey.


Honey Bees are Excellent Communicators

Despite not having ears, honey bees can communicate through vibrations. Through transmitting specific vibrations, bees can relay complex messages to each other.


True Social Insects

Honey bees live in large, well-organized family groups, and rely heavily on a social structure to survive. A hive typically contains one queen bee, a few thousand drone bees, and up to 20,000-80,000 worker bees.

World Honey Bee Day FAQs

Next World Honey Bee Day Dates

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2024 August 17th Saturday
2025 August 16th Saturday
2026 August 15th Saturday
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What is the pattern? Every August undefinedth

World Honey Bee Day Word Search

  • Honey
  • Bees
  • Colony
  • Pollen
  • Nectar
  • Hive