September 29th

World Heart Day -

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World Heart Day is a global campaign during which individuals, families, communities, and governments around the world participate in activities to take charge of their heart health and that of others. Created by the World Heart Federation, World Heart Day is celebrated every year on September 29th. The day serves as a platform for raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke.

The objective of World Heart Day is to drive action through education and promote preventative measures that can reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke. It emphasizes the importance of lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and the avoidance of tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol. Organizations use this day to spread the message about the importance of healthy heart choices and ways to minimize risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

History of World Heart Day

The inception of World Heart Day traces back to the late ’90s and constitutes an integral moment in the global health calendar. This initiative was born out of a partnership between the World Heart Federation and the World Health Organization, offering the world an annual day to turn the spotlight on heart health and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The first commemoration of this significant day took place in 1999, on September 24. Initially, the event was designated to fall on the last Sunday of September each year. It wasn’t just another day on the calendar but the start of a global movement aimed at educating individuals on the prevention and impact of cardiovascular diseases, responsible for millions of deaths annually.

As the years rolled by, the event mutated and grew, diversifying its reach and scale through various activities spanning public discussions, health screenings, and even sports events. Each of these activities served a common purpose: to spread the message of heart health far and wide.

One significant shift occurred in 2011, marking a new chapter for World Heart Day when the World Heart Federation shifted the date to a specific fixture, September 29. This move was aimed at maximizing the event’s impact on the public conscience.

Fast forward to 2015, and World Heart Day was woven into the global health fabric even more tightly as it became part of the WHO’s Global Action Plan targeting a reduction in premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases by 2025.

With every passing year, World Heart Day not only serves to impart knowledge but also galvanizes individuals into adopting heart-healthy habits, influencing policy change favorable to cardiac care and overall wellbeing. True to its mission, the Federation and its allies stand firm in their dedication to making heart health a priority for all, undeterred by global challenges and ever-evolving health landscapes.

World Heart Day Timeline

Establishment of World Heart Day

World Heart Federation and the World Health Organization teamed up to create a dedicated day for raising awareness about cardiovascular health.

First Celebration of World Heart Day

The first official World Heart Day was observed on the last Sunday of September 2000.

Change in Date

World Heart Day was moved from the last Sunday of September to a fixed date, September 29.

Global Focus on Risk Factors

The World Heart Federation focuses on a life-course approach, looking at the heart-healthy actions that can be taken at different stages of life.

Introduction of a Global Initiative

The World Heart Federation introduces a new global initiative - the World Heart Day promises.

Harnessing Digital Health to Improve Awareness

Digital health plays a significant role in the dissemination of information about heart health.

Ideas to Celebrate World Heart Day

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Heart-Healthy Community Walk

Organize a community walk event to encourage physical activity. Promote heart health awareness, provide educational materials, and invite local health professionals to speak on cardiovascular health.

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CPR and First Aid Workshop

Host a workshop that teaches participants the essentials of CPR and first aid, emphasizing the importance of timely intervention during cardiac emergencies.

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Healthy Cooking Class

Arrange a cooking class focusing on heart-healthy recipes. Include nutritionists or dietitians to educate attendees on the best foods for cardiovascular health.

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Know Your Numbers Campaign

Set up a booth offering free blood pressure and cholesterol screenings. Inform participants about the importance of knowing their key health metrics.

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Fundraiser for Heart Research

Organize a charity event, such as a gala, silent auction, or concert to raise funds for cardiovascular research and support for those affected by heart conditions.

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Plant a Tree for a Healthy Heart

Encourage the community to plant trees symbolizing the growth of awareness and the importance of an environment conducive to heart health.

7 Interesting Facts About World Heart Day


The Purpose of World Heart Day

The primary goal of World Heart Day is to improve global heart health by encouraging people to engage in lifestyle changes and promoting education about cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the world's leading cause of death, claiming nearly 18 million lives each year.


Themes of the Heart

Each year, World Heart Day centers around a theme to guide its awareness campaign. Past themes have included 'Share the Power', 'My Heart, Your Heart', and 'Use Heart to Beat Cardiovascular Disease', focusing on various aspects of heart health and encouraging personal accountability.


The Power of Prevention

A key message of World Heart Day is that at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided. Lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating, regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, can dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease.


Lighting Up Red for Awareness

To bring attention to World Heart Day, iconic landmarks and buildings around the globe are illuminated in red. This visual stunt helps to spread awareness and reminds people of the importance of maintaining heart health.


Heart Heroes

World Heart Day celebrates individuals who have made significant lifestyle changes to improve their heart health, or who are actively involved in the fight against CVD. These Heart Heroes serve to inspire others and spread the message that heart health is for everyone, regardless of age or demographic.


A Beat Beyond the Heart

World Heart Day also advocates for the importance of understanding the link between heart health and other conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. By raising awareness of these interconnections, people can be more proactive in taking comprehensive care of their health.


Children and Heart Health

Though often associated with adults, World Heart Day also addresses the importance of heart health for children. Encouraging healthy habits from a young age sets the foundation for a heart-healthy future and helps in the fight against childhood obesity.

World Heart Day FAQs

Next World Heart Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 September 29th Friday
2024 September 29th Sunday
2025 September 29th Monday
2026 September 29th Tuesday
2027 September 29th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every September 29th

World Heart Day Word Search

  • Heart
  • Awareness
  • Exercise
  • Healthy
  • Lifestyle
  • Diet