March 3rd

World Hearing Day -

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The World Health Organization (WHO) launched World Hearing Day, an annual global event celebrated every year on March 3rd. This initiative is dedicated to raising awareness about the prevention and treatment of hearing impairments. The day also places significant emphasis on the importance of early identification and intervention for hearing loss.

Each year, a unique theme is chosen to direct its focus toward particular aspects of hearing health and care. The ultimate goal is to promote better preventative care and treatment for hearing loss worldwide.

History of World Hearing Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared World Hearing Day as an annual event to increase global awareness about the importance of good hearing health. The birth of this day is connected to the growing medical understanding of the crucial role of hearing and the implications of hearing loss.

World Hearing Day was started by WHO in conjunction with global and local partners in 2007 following a resolution in the International Conference in Beijing, China. The initiative was aimed at advocating for the prevention of deafness and promoting ear and hearing care worldwide.

The day, originally known as “International Ear Care Day,” was held every year on the 3rd of March. The name was changed to “World Hearing Day” after a proposal during the first World Hearing Forum held in 2017, and it came into effect in 2019. The symbolism of the date is highlighted by the number 3, which resembles a pair of ears, thus emphasizing the essential nature of hearing.

The focus of World Hearing Day is different each year and it’s accompanied by several related events hosted by WHO and other concerned organizations, including seminars, conferences, and workshops.

One of the key goals of World Hearing Day is to encourage policymakers worldwide to develop preventative strategies for deafness and hearing loss and promote better ear health care services. It aims to ensure the availability of affordable technological and medical solutions for everyone, prioritizing those who are socio-economically disadvantaged.

World Hearing Day Timeline

Invention of Audiometer

The Audiometer, a device for measuring hearing acuity, was created during this period.

First Electronic Hearing Aid

Miller Reese Hutchison created the Akouphone, the first electronic hearing aid.

First Cochlear Implant

William House develops the first cochlear implant, giving hope to those with profound hearing loss.

Introduction of Digital Hearing Aids

Digital hearing aids providing improved sound quality were introduced to the market.

Initiation of World Hearing Day

The World Health Organization initiated World Hearing Day to increase awareness about how to prevent deafness and hearing loss.

World Hearing Day Theme 'Make Listening Safe'

The theme highlighted the growing issue of noise-induced hearing loss due to recreational exposure to loud sounds.

First World Report on Hearing

The World Health Organization published its first-ever World Report on Hearing which outlines the scale of hearing loss globally.

Ideas to Celebrate World Hearing Day

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Hearing Health Webinar

Host a webinar with an audiologist who can share information about hearing preservation, common hearing issues, and available solutions like hearing aids or cochlear implants.

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Distribution of Educational Materials

Create posters, leaflets, brochures, etc. discussing hearing health. Distribute these at schools, local grocery stores, libraries and other public places.

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Awareness Campaign on Social Media

Start a social media campaign using a unique hashtag associated with World Hearing Day. Encourage people to share their stories related to hearing health and spread awareness.

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Captioned Movie Screening

Organize a movie screening with subtitles or captions. This will make the event inclusive for those with hearing impairment and give others a glimpse into their world.

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A Visit to an Audiologist

Arrange a visit to an audiologist or hearing professional for those who are interested to learn more about hearing health. This could also help them understand hearing assessments and devices.

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Invite a Speaker with Hearing Impairment

Invite a local individual with a hearing impairment to share their personal story, how they've adapted, and the technology they use to navigate daily life.

7 Interesting Facts About Hearing


The Power of the Ear

The human ear is a powerful organ, capable of detecting sound pressure changes as small as one billionth of atmospheric pressure.


Frequency Matters

The human ear is most sensitive to sounds between 1,000 and 4,000 hertz. This range includes the frequencies of most human speech.


Unique Ears

Just like fingerprints, everyone has unique ear prints. Some companies and security systems use ear prints for biometric identification.


Listening to Your Body

Your ears don't just pick up sound from the outside world, they can also pick up sounds from inside your body, like your heartbeat.


Binaural Hearing

Our ability to locate where sound is coming from is called binaural hearing. It relies on the differences in timing, level, and phase of the sounds that each ear receives.


Ear Wax Purpose

Earwax has a purpose. It protects the skin of the ear canal, prevents it from drying and irritation, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungus, insects, and water.


Ears Impact Balance

Your ears not only perceive sound, they are also key to maintaining balance. The vestibular system in your inner ear helps you navigate the world without falling over.

World Hearing Day FAQs

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World Hearing Day Word Search

  • Hearing
  • Ears
  • Sounds
  • Noise
  • Communication
  • Decibel