December 2nd

World Computer Literacy Day -

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Recognized every year on December 2nd, World Computer Literacy Day is a global observance that encourages knowledge and skillsets related to digital technologies and connectivity. The purpose of this prominent day is to highlight the necessity of being adept with computers given our technologically-driven world.

This day also endeavors to bridge the gap in digital proficiency, providing marginalized communities with the digital skills essential for thriving in an interconnected world.

History of World Computer Literacy Day

First observed on December 2, 2001, World Computer Literacy Day was introduced by India’s leading technology company, NIIT. The date marked the 20th year since the company’s inception and was devoted to furthering an understanding of and access to digital technology, particularly for marginalized communities.

The increasing importance of digital technology in every aspect of society led to the recognition of World Computer Literacy Day, designed to close the gap in access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) between privileged and disadvantaged or between urban and rural populations. The focus of the day was to raise awareness about the significance of computer literacy.

The launch of World Computer Literacy Day was met with great enthusiasm, the highlight of which was the unveiling of a cost-effective, portable, and environmentally-friendly computer named ‘Computor’ by NIIT. The primary aim of this initiative was to further computer literacy in nations still in the developing stage.

Over the years, the concept of World Computer Literacy Day has evolved to embody not just computer literacy, but also digital literacy. This pertains to the understanding of utilizing different digital devices, secure internet navigation, formation and management of digital identities, as well as interpreting and assessing digital information.

World Computer Literacy Day Timeline

Introduction of IBM Personal Computer

IBM introduced the IBM Personal Computer, which became the standard for personal computing.

Windows Operating System

Microsoft releases the Windows operating system, which would become one of the most used operating systems worldwide.

World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, leading to the spread of internet usage.

Inception of World Computer Literacy Day

Indian tech company NIIT launched the initiative to promote technological skills especially in underserved communities around the world.

Increasing Digital Divide Awareness

World Computer Literacy Day begun spotlighting the digital divide, raising awareness about groups who lacked access to digital technology and education.

Focus on Women and Girls

Emphasis was placed on promoting computer literacy among women and girls, a traditionally underrepresented group in tech-related fields.

Ideas to Celebrate World Computer Literacy Day

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Conduct a Coding Workshop

Organize a coding workshop, providing an opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves with basic computer programming. Team up with local coding organizations or experts to help provide support and guidance.

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Organize a Tech Fair

Create a tech fair where technology companies and enthusiasts can showcase their products and innovations. This would be an excellent way for non-tech-savvy individuals to see the possibilities within the world of technology.

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Start a Computer Literacy Drive

Create a computer collection campaign where used, working computers are collected from the community and refurbished and distributed to those in need. This helps promote computer literacy by ensuring everyone has equal access to technology.

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Host a Computer Literacy Career Day

Arrange a career day with professionals from the IT industry. They can share their experiences and knowledge about various job opportunities related to computer literacy.

7 Interesting Facts About Computer Literacy


First Computer Literacy Courses

The first computer literacy courses were introduced in US schools in the 1980s. These early programs were designed to introduce students to the basics of computer use.


Global Digital Divide

According to the United Nations, 65% of the world's population had access to the internet in 2023. This means about 35% of the world’s population lacks basic computer literacy skills.


Computer Programming Language Literacy

Knowing how to code or understanding a computer programming language is becoming an increasingly valuable literacy skill. There are more than 700 programming languages available to learn.


The Fastest Growing E-Learning Market

The demand for computer literacy training is among the fastest growing areas in the e-learning market, which itself is predicted to reach $325 billion by 2025.


Spell Checkers and Computer Literacy

The advent of spell checkers in word processing programs has been both a boon and a bane for computer literacy. On one hand, it aids in correcting errors, but on the other, it may lead to declining spelling skills among users.


Computer Literacy and Job Markets

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2022, more than 54% of all employees required significant training or re-skilling, including in areas of computer literacy.


Computational Thinking

Computer literacy goes beyond knowing how to use a computer or program. It also involves computational thinking, which is essential for solving complex problems - a skill that can be applied in all areas of life.

World Computer Literacy Day FAQs

Next World Computer Literacy Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 December 2nd Saturday
2024 December 2nd Monday
2025 December 2nd Tuesday
2026 December 2nd Wednesday
2027 December 2nd Thursday
What is the pattern? Every December 2nd

World Computer Literacy Day Word Search

  • Computers
  • Digital
  • Online
  • Technology
  • Internet
  • Software