September 25th

National Lobster Day -

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National Lobster Day is an annual celebration on September 25th dedicated to one of the most famous and luxurious seafood delicacies—lobster. Enjoyed by seafood lovers around the world, lobster is known for its rich, succulent meat and is often associated with gourmet dining and special occasions. This day provides an opportunity for both culinary enthusiasts and industry professionals to come together to highlight the importance of the lobster industry, as well as to enjoy and appreciate the various ways in which lobster can be prepared and savored.

This is a day for restaurants to feature special menu items, for seafood markets to promote their finest catches, and for home cooks to try their hand at creating a lobster dish. Whether steamed, grilled, boiled, or served in a bisque or roll, this crustacean takes center stage and is celebrated for its unique taste and cultural significance in coastal cuisine.

History of National Lobster Day

Although the lobster is today considered a delicacy, its journey to the pinnacle of fine dining has been quite remarkable. Initially, in the days of early American settlement, lobsters were so abundant that they were deemed a lowly food, sometimes even relegated to the role of garden fertilizer or sustenance for the incarcerated.

The tides turned for the lobster’s fortunes with advancements in transportation and the rise of the canning industry, which eventually ushered in its popularity. Fast forward to modern times, where Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King played pivotal roles in securing the lobster’s prestige. In 2015, through their lobbying efforts, the Senate passed a resolution declaring September 25 as the official National Lobster Day, aimed at acknowledging not merely the creature’s culinary value but also the economic significance it holds, particularly in the state of Maine.

Year on year since its inception, the Senate has consistently passed bipartisan resolutions to support this special day. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to find lobster aficionados and seafood lovers alike indulging in festivities that include savoring lobster dishes, attending themed events, and even advocating for the sustainable practices of lobster fishing.

National Lobster Day Timeline

Lobster as Food for the Poor

In early colonial times, lobsters were so plentiful in North America that they were often used as food for prisoners, servants, and other lower-class individuals.

Lobster Shift in Perception

Lobster began to gain popularity as a delicacy, particularly in Boston and New York, shifting its status from a low-class food to a luxury item.

Canned Lobster

Canned lobster became available, making it easier to transport and extending its reach beyond coastal areas.

Increase in Demand

The demand for lobster increased significantly, leading to the establishment of more sophisticated lobster fisheries.

Lobster Conservation Measures

Due to overfishing, several U.S. states and Canadian provinces began implementing conservation measures to protect lobster populations.

Sustainability Practices

The lobster industry continued to develop sustainability practices, including trap limits, limited fishing seasons, and the protection of egg-bearing females.

National Lobster Day

The United States Senate passes a resolution designating September 25, 2015, as 'National Lobster Day.'

Ideas to Celebrate National Lobster Day

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Lobster Feast at Home

Invite friends and family over for a DIY lobster boil. Set up a large pot outdoors or on your stovetop, and cook lobsters with potatoes, corn, and sausages for a traditional New England-style meal. Provide bibs and tools to crack the shells, and enjoy the feast together.

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Educational Seafood Dinner

Host a dinner where each course features lobster prepared in different ways. Pair each course with a brief talk from a local fisherman or a seafood expert to learn about lobster fishing, sustainability, and cooking methods. This way, guests can appreciate the flavors and the knowledge behind their meal.

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Seafood Market Visit & Cooking Class

Arrange a trip to a local seafood market to source fresh lobsters, followed by a cooking class led by a professional chef. Participants can learn how to properly cook and dress a lobster, and then enjoy their creations as a communal dining experience.

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Support Local Lobstermen

Spend the day supporting local fishermen by purchasing lobsters directly from them. Share your support on social media to promote their business. Not only will you get the freshest lobsters, but you'll also be contributing to the local economy.

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Lobster and Wine Pairing Event

Coordinate with a local sommelier to curate a lobster and wine pairing experience. Guests can savor different types of lobsters, such as steamed, grilled, or in a salad, each accompanied by a wine that enhances the flavor of the dish.

8 Interesting Facts About Lobsters


Lobsters Taste With Their Legs

Lobsters have taste receptors on their legs, specifically on the small bristles called setae that line their legs and pincers. They use these bristles to sense chemicals in the water, aiding them in locating food.


Lobsters Can Regenerate Limbs

Much like some other crustaceans, lobsters are capable of regrowing lost limbs. Over time, if a lobster loses a claw or leg, a new one will eventually grow in its place.


Lobsters Were Once Considered The Poor Man's Chicken

In the colonial era, lobsters were so abundant in New England that they were often used as fertilizer or fed to prisoners and indentured servants. They were viewed as the food of the poor and were not the delicacy they are considered today.


The Long-Lived Lobsters

Lobsters can live to be over 100 years old. Their longevity is attributed to an enzyme called telomerase, which repairs DNA sequence errors, allowing them to maintain youthful vitality and reduce the risk of ageing and disease.


Lobsters' Blue Blood

Lobsters have blue blood due to the presence of hemocyanin, which contains copper. Hemocyanin is used instead of hemoglobin to transport oxygen in their bodies. When exposed to air, it turns from blue to clear.


The Color-Changing Crustacean

Most lobsters are a dark blue-green or brown color when alive due to a pigment called astaxanthin. They only turn the familiar reddish-orange color after they have been cooked, as the heat breaks down the protein that binds the pigment.


Not All Lobsters Have Claws

In warm waters, there's a type of lobster called 'spiny lobsters' or 'rock lobsters' that do not have claws. Instead, they have long, strong antennae, which they use for defense.


Lobster's Mismatched Claws

Lobsters have two different kinds of claws—the larger 'crusher' claw is used to pulverize prey, while the smaller 'ripper' or 'cutter' claw is used for tearing. These claws can be on either side of the lobster's body, and their placement can define a lobster as 'right-clawed' or 'left-clawed'.

National Lobster Day FAQs

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National Lobster Day Word Search

  • Lobster
  • Claws
  • Seafood
  • Crustacean
  • Shell
  • Feast