June 19th

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict -

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Commemorated every year on June 19th, the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict is a profound rallying call designed to focus worldwide attention on eliminating sexual violence in settings of conflict. It serves as a potent annual reminder that there is a shared duty to confront and solve the appalling issue of sexual violence used as a weapon of war and terror.

The day puts survivors at the center, amplifying their voices and championing the need for justice, comprehensive care, and reparations.

History of International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

The United Nations General Assembly sanctioned an annual occurrence known as the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict on June 19, 2015, in response to an alarming increase in the use of sexual violence as a method of warfare and terror. The day was established through a resolution, which was backed by over 70 countries, an indicator of global unity against this issue.

The day, June 19, was selected due to its historical significance. In 2008, on the same day, the UN Security Council passed resolution 1820, explicitly condemning the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and as a hinderance to building peace.

This internationally recognized day aims to educate and bring awareness about the goal of putting a complete end to sexual violence in circumstances of conflict, and serves as a tribute to the survivors and victims throughout the world.

Before this day was created in 2015, the UN had already been proactive in trying to eliminate sexual violence in conflict. Notably, in 2000, it adopted Resolution 1325 concerning the protection of women and girls in conflict areas. This strong resolve by the UN has led to various global initiatives, strategies, and programs geared towards eradicating sexual violence in conflict situations. Even though the battle continues, this day stands as a testament to the world’s resolve to tackle and vanquish this serious violation of human rights.

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Timeline

Recognizing Sexual Violence in Conflict

The United Nations Security Council adopts resolution 1820 that acknowledges the use of sexual violence as a weapon in conflict situations.

Initiation of A Resolution

United Nations Security Council adopts resolution 2106 that strengthens efforts to end impunity for sexual violence in conflict.

Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

The largest gathering ever brought together on the subject to demand global action and mobilise a movement to end war zone rape and sexual violence.

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

The United Nations General Assembly establishes an international day to raise awareness for the issue of sexual violence in conflict.

10-Year Unspeakable Crimes Campaign

The 10-year anniversary of the mandate on sexual violence in conflict ushers in the ‘Unspeakable Crimes’ campaign.

Strengthening Prevention and Response Efforts

Continuing efforts to shed light on the issue, to prevent incidents, hold perpetrators accountable and provide necessary support to victims.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

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Raise Awareness with a Webinar

Organize an online webinar inviting experts in human rights, psychological trauma, or conflict resolution. They can discuss the impact of sexual violence in conflicts, ways to combat it, and methods of supporting survivors.

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Survivors' Stories Showcase

Coordinate a safe space where survivors (if they choose and are comfortable) share their stories and express their feelings through art, literature or simply talking. This would help to educate people about the reality and the aftermath of such experiences.

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Participate in an Advocacy March

Arrange peaceful marches to take a stand against sexual violence in conflict. Carry banners and placards raising awareness about the issue and demanding greater efforts towards elimination.

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Host a Film Screening

Showcase films and documentaries that are centered around sexual violence in conflict to educate viewers about the issue. Follow up with a group discussion to reflect upon the problem and possible solutions.

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Fundraising Campaign

Start a fundraising campaign for NGOs and other organizations which provide help and support for the victims of sexual violence in conflict. The funds can be utilized for mental health services, medical help and legal support.

5 Interesting Facts About Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict


Notable Women in the Fight

Women like Nobel laureate Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege have been at the forefront of this cause. Murad, a survivor of sexual violence by the Islamic State, advocates for the rights of her Yazidi community, while Dr. Mukwege has provided medical assistance to thousands of women in conflict-ridden Congo.


Recognition of Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

The UN Security Council Resolution 1820, passed in 2008, acknowledged for the first time that sexual violence can constitute a war crime and a component of genocide.


The Role of International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) plays a significant role in the elimination of sexual violence in conflict, thanks to the Rome Statute. This treaty enables the ICC to prosecute individuals responsible for war crimes, including sexual violence.


Training for Peacekeepers

Since the late 1990s, the UN has introduced pre-deployment training for peacekeepers that includes modules on sexual violence in conflict situations. The goal is to prepare them to prevent such incidents, protect civilians, and respond effectively when such violence takes place.


Revolutionary Prizes and Recognition

The Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 was awarded to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege for their significant efforts to combat war crime-related sexual assault.

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict FAQs

Next International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 19th Monday
2024 June 19th Wednesday
2025 June 19th Thursday
2026 June 19th Friday
2027 June 19th Saturday
What is the pattern? Every June 19th

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Word Search

  • Awareness
  • Justice
  • Rights
  • Equality
  • Respect
  • Advocate